Friday, Mar 14th

Top Reasons Kids Look Forward to Going Back to School

school4As the summer comes to a close, students return from relaxing and exciting activities with a mix of feelings about starting school. Some will miss the freedom of summer and dread the idea of homework, while others look forward to the buzz of back to school clothes, school supply shopping, the excitement of entering a new grade and seeing friends. A quick poll of Scarsdale students of all ages reveals the top reasons why students are looking forward to their return next Tuesday.

The most popular response among those polled was getting to see friends and reconnect after the long summer. Many look forward to hearing about their friends' fun experiences and hanging out again. For others, like incoming 6th grader Griffin Bosco, making new friends is also high on the list. Transitioning into new schools is exciting because it gives the opportunity to mix and meet students across the district.

Next on the list are grade specific perks. One thing 5th grader Seth Jacobson looks forward to is "all the special stuff that 5th graders get to do." This list includes getting a yearbook for the first time, field day and other "cool stuff." For Kaitlin Doyle, 10th grade brings exciting features like "no longer being the youngest grade in the school and having more freedom." Some kids are just looking forward to being in a new grade. For Maggie Brew, one reason to be excited is the pure fact of being a 7th grader. Several of those polled also cited school wide benefits.

For students in elementary school, one perk includes recess: monkey bars, basketball hoops, black tops, and open fields. There are also some school1aspects specific to certain elementary schools. For example, students at Greenacres Elementary School enjoy a gym class activity called the Grand Canyon. It involves students swinging on a rope from one mat to the other and trying not to fall. This activity is something that 4th grader Will Brew is definitely excited about.

For those in middle school, perks include getting to change classes and having different teachers for different subjects. For high school students, the list includes having free periods, joining clubs, and playing high school sports. This is certainly a plus for both 9th grader Max Bosco and Kaitlin Doyle. For Kaitlin, Cross Country is a positive aspect of school because she loves running and the people on her team so are "all so nice and supportive."

Third grader Sophie Garcia and high school senior Paige Mittenthal both mentioned being excited about getting to know their teachers and learning itself. There are many great courses students are looking forward to, including science research, public policy, and AT courses for upper classmen at the high school. As Max Bosco put it, "getting as much out of education as I can," is a common sentiment among many.

So while the start of the school year can be met with mixed emotions, these students point out that there are some positives to getting back to work.

This article was contributed by Marie Ceske, a student at Scarsdale High School.school2