Friday, Mar 14th

New Security System Now in Place at Scarsdale High School

secuirtyYou can no longer wander in and out of the scores of entrances to Scarsdale High School anytime of the day. In response to community concerns about school safety, a new security system is now in place at the school. Security guards from an outside firm have been retained to monitor three entrances to the school. At times the guards ask students to see their identification cards and visitors are now required to sign in. Everyone we have asked has found the new personnel to be friendly -- and from all reports the transition from an open campus to a more secure campus has gone smoothly.

We asked SHS Principal Kenneth Bonamo to share some information about the new system with Scarsdale10583 readers and here is what he said:

Please describe the new system - how many entrances/exits are open to the school, at what hours?

We now have 3 entrances open from 8 to 3: on Post Road by the nurse's office, and on Brewster Road by the auditorium and by the gyms.

Who is manning these doors?

Security monitors

Are there security cameras at the school to monitor the entrances?

We have for several years had a camera system in place that monitors different areas of the building.

How are the security guards interacting with students and staff?

We have had good feedback from all corners--students, staff, and parents--about the new procedures and the new personnel.

Have there been any incidents so far this year?


Are visitors and parents having trouble accessing the school?


How is drop off and pick up going? Are the entrances crowded?

Whenever you have 1500 children being dropped off in a ten-minute time frame, there will be issues. We have traffic patterns, signage, and communication in place to minimize problems, and so far those seem to be working as well as they have in the past.

Has the new system helped to reduce crime around in the school in the parking lots?

We haven't had any issues in that regard.