Friday, Mar 14th

Letter to the Editor: Contract Transportation is a Viable Option for Scarsdale Schools

schoolbusThis letter was sent to Scarsdale10583 by Phil Vallone, a board member of the NY School Bus Contractors Association: To the Editor: As former President and current sitting board member with the New York School Bus Contractors Association, and someone who has intimate knowledge of the pupil transportation industry, I read your article, "The Business of Busing - A Transportation Report from the Scarsdale Schools", with great interest.

While I can't quibble with everything that was contained within the report, there are a couple of points worth clarifying when it comes to contracted pupil transportation services.

The first, regarding the statement that there is there is cost volatility associated with contracted services. Contracted busing services are no more volatile than any other. In fact, they are usually less volatile, as contracts, for the most part, actually lock in costs for as long as 5-years. This a benefit to school districts and tax-payers, as budgets can be crafted without fear of large year-to-year cost increases for services.

The second, that there are no employee benefits with contracted services. It is simply not the case that we don't offer benefits to our drivers and staff. Contracted drivers do, in fact, receive benefits. This includes health care plans, vacation and sick time, and, depending on the district, the ability to continue to participate in a public retirement program.

Quality drivers and quality student transportation services at a fair price are win-wins for School districts and tax-payers. Last week in New York City it was announced, after opening up School busing contracts for public bid, that the city will save an estimated $210 million over the next five years. The savings are in addition to the $100 million that will be saved from bids awarded last winter. Another recent example is the Niskayuna School District near Albany, which is now making the switch to contractor provided busing. It's a move that's saving the district approximately 20-percent in annual transportation costs.

As transportation providers for more than half of the school-age children in this state, we have a record of safety, quality, and cost effectiveness that is unparalleled. We are proud of the work we do, and the services we provide. We're always striving to do better for the school districts who entrust us with those services too.

For example, right now we are trying to alleviate what we believe is unfair tax burden – sales taxes on school buses. These are taxes being indirectly paid by school districts through transportation contracts. Working with the legislature, the New York School Bus Contractors Association is pushing for an exemption on this tax. It would also apply to parts, maintenance, and fuel. Learn more at

Our members will continue to help bring much-needed fiscal relief to schools and our state, while continuing to provide New Yorkers with the safest and most reliable pupil transportation services in the country.