Friday, Mar 14th

SMS News from the Mathcounts and the Musicians

mathcountsmaySMS Math Teacher Steve Weiss attended the National Mathcounts Competition this past weekend at the Swan Hotel in Disney World and came in fourth among 56 teams. He escorted four students from New York State to compete against 56 teams, representing 50 states plus DC, Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, The State Department and The Department of Defense. The New York team included two Scarsdale students, 8th grader Richard Xu and 6th grader Eric Wei, as well as two students from the Rochester area. These students qualified after their top performance at the state competition. Since Scarsdale came in first place at the state competition, Weiss qualified to coach the state team. The New York team won 4th place, the best showing by New York in history.

The students were treated as VIPs the entire 4-day trip, given Disney park passes and invited to a private event in Epcot. Part of the competition was webcast live on and the competition was covered by ABC World News with Diane Sawyer. Many top executives from the major sponsors were there including Raytheon, the major sponsor. Mathcounts and their sponsors encourages STEM (science, math, engineering and math) education and career paths for our young people.

Here is the link to the ABC News report.

Eighth Grade Concert May 12

The Eighth Grade band and string orchestra and the Jazz Band – with musicians from the 7th and 8th grades performed on Monday night May 12th. Here's the program:


Mr. Nicholas Lieto conducts the 8th grade band. They performed "When Johnny Comes Marching Home", "Ear Bend", "An American Panorama", and "Sinfonia No.4, Suite for Winds and Percussion." "Ear Bend" was a new work commissioned for the SMS 8th grade Band by Rob Smith, this year's composer in residence.


Rachel Han conducts the 8th Grade String Orchestra. They played "Brandenburg Concerto, No.3," "Three Slavonic Dances," "Adagio Cantabile" and "Eleanor Rigby." The latter was accompanied by Mason Marsh on drums and the Vocal Music Club, with Director Celia Cuk.

smsjazzmay14Mr. Nicholas Lieto conducted the Jazz Band, which is made up of 7th and 8th graders and performed "Blues In Hoss Flat," "It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)," and "Superstition."

windEnsembleOn Wednesday night, May 14th, the SMS Chamber Winds, Sixth Grade Band, and Seventh Grade Band performed their Spring Concert.

Under Mr. Nicholas Lieto the Chamber Wind Ensemble performed "12th Street Rag," Menuetto and Trio," "The Dream," "Rinaldo's Aria," and "Pictures At An Exhibition."

Mr. Nicholas Lieto lead the Seventh Grade Band as they performed "Distant Thunder of The Sacred Forest," "Our Kingsland Spring," Garden of the Black Rose," and "Adirondack Overture."

Dr. Jessica Slotwinski directed the Sixth Grade Band. They performed "Themes from 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik'," "Blues Machine," Dona Nobis Pacem," "Imperium," and "The Beatles: 1964!"
Concert photographs by Tracy McCarthy