Friday, Mar 14th

Thanks to the Scarsdale School Board

BoardofEd2014(This letter was sent to Scarsdale10583 by Pam Fuehrer, President of the Scarsdale PT Council)
To the Editor: Governor Andrew Cuomo proclaimed the week ending October 31th as School Board Recognition Week in New York State.

The proclamation states "members of school boards are dedicated to children, learning, and community and devote many hours of service to elementary and secondary public education as they continually strive for improvement, excellence and progress in education."

This perfectly describes Scarsdale's Board of Education (BOE) and on behalf of all parents and students in our district the PT Council would like to thank the members of the BOE for all their work, commitment, transparency and responsiveness to the community.

Each BOE member generously volunteers his or her time and energy to improve the education offered to students in Scarsdale while also balancing the cost to taxpayers. The challenges they face are enormous; their tasks are substantial. Strong schools help to build strong communities, and the members of our BOE devote countless hours to making sure our schools are helping every student achieve full potential, within our school walls, and beyond.

We deeply appreciate the BOE's steadfast commitment to our children. The PT Council will be making a donation to the Scarsdale High School Scholarship Fund for College in honor of our Board of Education.

Pamela Fuehrer
Scarsdale PT Council President