Friday, Mar 14th

Scarsdale Schools Bond Referendum Approved by 82% of Voters

purvisgosehagermanThe mood was optimistic at the Scarsdale Middle School gym at 8:55 pm on Thursday December 11 – just five minutes before the polls officially closed. School administrators, members of the board of education and leaders of the PTA's and PT Council gathered to hear the vote count on the $18.12mm bond referendum for the Scarsdale Schools. Some were so upbeat that they made bets on the percentage of YES votes that would be cast.

Minutes later optimism turned to jubilation when election inspector and former school board member Terry Simon announced that a total of 981 votes had been cast, with 805 yes votes and 176 opposed. When it was revealed that 82% had voted in favor of funding district-wide capital projects, there were cheers, embraces and sighs of relief. Many in the room still had fresh memories of the defeat of the school budget in 2013-14 and were delighted that just a year and a half later voters had again demonstrated confidence in the administration, the board and the Scarsdale Schools.

The vote count was comparable to the vote for the 2014-15 school budget in May, 2014 when a total of 997 votes were cast, with 777 in favor and 220 opposed. In contrast, when the budget was rejected in May 2013, a total of 3,222 voters came out and only 46.6% voted yes.

GreenwaldFor Superintendent Thomas Hagerman, this was his first community-wide vote in Scarsdale and a very positive sign. For Assistant Superintendent Linda Purvis, the referendum marked one of her last elections at the Scarsdale Schools as she announced that she will be retiring in June. Board President Mary Beth Gose, now in her sixth year of service on the Board of Education looked thrilled that years of collaboration between the board, the administration and the community had resulted in funding for extensive renovations at the high school, middle school, Edgewood and Heathcote elementary schools along with upgrades in the technology infrastructure for the district.

The capital projects funded by the bond will be a tangible legacy of the board's work.

Commenting on the vote, Mary Beth Gose said, "The Board is really happy with the outcome and thanks the voters for their strong support of the educational needs for the students of the district." Superintendent Thomas Hagerman said, "Thanks for your support. We look forward to moving ahead in partnership with the community."
