Friday, Mar 14th

Vote in the SBNC Election on January 13, 2015

shsberke1The election for the Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee will be held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015, with polls open from 7–10 am and 2–9 pm in the lobby of the auditorium at the Scarsdale Middle School.

The SBNC Administrative Committee is seeking the election of 2 candidates in each district, with the exception of Heathcote, where it is seeking the election of 3 candidates to include the replacement of an SBNC member who has recently resigned. In the event of a snow day, the election will be held on Thursday, January 15, 2015. The biographical information of the candidates for the SBNC slate for the January election is below.


MOIRA ANN CROUCH: 12 Southwoods Lane. Resident for past 10 years; grew up in Scarsdale.
Education: BA, Connecticut College; JD, George Washington University Law School
Occupation: Stay-at-home parent; former attorney, Verizon Wireless (2000-2006)
Civic Activities: Co-chair Community Service Committee, Edgewood PTA (2008-present); Edgewood Representative, Coalition for Scarsdale Schools (2010-present); Catechist, Immaculate Heart of Mary Church (2010-present); Girl Scout Leader, Edgewood Troop 1594 (2012-present); Co-Chair Safety Committee, Edgewood PTA (2012-present); Soccer coach, Edgewood 3rd grade girls (Fall 2014); Lacrosse Coach Assistant (2013-present); Member, Nominating Committee, SMS PTA (Spring 2014); Edgewood Fair Face Painting Co-Chair (2011-Present); Edgewood class parent, alternating years since 2006.
Children: Ages 12, 10, 8, 6 and 2

DANIEL MORETTI: 16 Edgewood Road. Resident for 19 years.
Education: BA, SUNY Oneonta; JD, Pace Law School
Occupation: Lawyer
Civic Activities: Scarsdale Procedure Committee (2010); Citizens Nominating Committee (2006-2009); Recreation Basketball Coach (2009-2011); Scarsdale Youth Lacrosse Coach (2009); Scarsdale Youth Football Coach (2006-2008).
Children: Ages 21 and 17

Fox Meadow

ELIZABETH (LIZ) MILLER GUGGENHEIMER: 42 Butler Road. Resident for 21 years.
Education: AB, Harvard University; JD, New York University; MPA, Princeton University
Occupation: Deputy Executive Director & Director of Institutional Advancement, Lawyers Alliance for New York
Civic Activities: NY Nonprofit Excellence Awards, Selection Committee (2013 & 2014); Scarsdale Board of Education - President (2012-13), Vice President (2010-12), Member (2007-13); Village of Scarsdale Board of Ethics - Chair (2005-07), Member (2002-2007); Mt. Pleasant-Blythedale School Board, Member (2004-2007).
Children: Ages 23 and 21

PAM RUBIN: 18 Cohawney Road. Resident for 12 years.
Education: BS, Indiana University; MS, London School of Economics
Occupation: Volunteer. Prior occupation - Real Estate Private Equity
Civic Activities: Scarsdale PT Council, President of the Board (2013-2014); Parent-Educator Partnership, Co-Chair; Scarsdale Zoning Board of Appeals (2012-present); LWVS – Board Member; Fox Meadow PTA, President (2011-2012); Girls Inc. of Westchester, Founding Board Member (2005-2008); Active PTA member (2004-current); 5 Corners Traffic Committee Roundabout Study; Scarsdale Bowl Committee (2013-2014); Scarsdale Forum, Education Committee, Member (2013-present); The Acceleration Project, Consultant – Buy Local campaign.
Children: Ages 14 and 12

BEVERLEY SVED: 26 Overhill Road. Resident for 26 years.
Education: Bachelor of Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Chartered Financial Analyst
Occupation: Retired from IBM with career concentration in business planning (Corporate Strategy, Forecasting, Industry Analysis)
Civic Activities: Scarsdale Foundation, Vice President (current); TVCC Forum, Director (current); LWV-Westchester, Director (current); Planning Board (2006-2010); Scarsdale, Mayor (2003-5), Village Trustee (1998-2002), Finance Committee, Chair (3 years); Westchester County Historical Society, President, Investment Chair; United Way and Scarsdale/Edgemont Family Counseling Boards; Overhill Neighborhood Association, President.
Children: None


ELYSE MALL KLAYMAN: 191 Brewster Road. Resident for 15 years.
Education: BA, Yale University
Occupation: Communications Professional
Civic Activities: Westchester Reform Temple, member (2004-present); Greenacres School - Class Mother, Library Volunteer, Fifth Grade Field Day Committee Member, and PTA Nominating Committee (2001-2010).
Children: Ages 18 and 15

TERRI SIMON: 103 Greenacres Avenue. Resident for 25 years.
Education: BA, Tufts University; JD, New York University Law School
Occupation: Retired attorney (business litigator and education lawyer, Kehl, Katzive & Simon LLP)
Civic Activities: Scarsdale Public Library, Vice President (current); My Sisters' Place, Board of Directors Chair (current); Bet Am Shalom Synagogue, President (2010-12); Scarsdale Board of Education, President (2005-06), member (2001-07); PT Council, Secretary (1996-97); Greenacres PTA, President (1994-96); School Board Nominating Committee, Vice-Chair (1999-2000), Member (1997-99); U.S. District Court for Southern District of New York, Mediator (1992-2009).
Children: Ages 31 and 28


QING (CLAIRE) HE: 230 Mamaroneck Road. Resident for 7 years.
Education: PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; MBA, New York University
Occupation: Volunteer; formerly marketing manager, Colgate
Civic Activities: Scarsdale Chinese Association, Chair (2014); Heathcote PTA, Newcomer Welcome Committee, Legislative Committee, Class Parent (2014); Huaxia Greater New York Chinese School - Activity Department head (2013-present); Junior League of Central Westchester (2012-2013); Colgate Bright Smiles Bright Future program, US manager (2012-2014); Colgate Asian Action Network, Chair, (2010-2014); Sino-American Pharmaceutical Association Executive Committee, member (2001-2010).
Children: Ages 9 and 7

JACQUELINE IRWIN: 51 Drake Road. Resident for 34 years
Education: AB, Smith College; MBA, University of Chicago
Occupation: Retired – Formerly Director of Finance, Business Services, Verizon
Civic Activities: Scarsdale Family Counseling Service Board of Directors, current; Mt. Pleasant Cottage School, Board of Education Member, current (State appointed); Scarsdale Foundation Trustee - (2002-2014), President (2010-12); League of Women Voters Study on Village Nonpartisan Election System Co-Chair (2011-2012); Scarsdale Student Transfer Education Program (STEP) - Board Member (2001-13), Co-Chair (2001-03), Treasurer, Various Years; Scarsdale Bowl Recipient (2010); Scarsdale Forum - President, (2003-04), Board Member (2002-2011); Scarsdale Board of Education - President (2000-2001), Member (1995-2001); Scarsdale Forum, Study on SBNC elections Co-Chair (2007-08); Various PTA Officer Positions; Kids BASE President, Treasurer and founder; and Zoning Board of Appeals, Chair (1993-94), member (1988-94).
Children: Ages 36 and 35

SARAH PERSILY: 34 Quentin Road. Resident for 10 years.
Education: JD, Harvard Law School; BA, University of Michigan
Occupation: Principal, Strong Circles – Nonprofit & Philanthropy Advising
Civic Activities: Comprehensive Development, Inc., Board member; Tiger Foundation, Program Officer; Pro Bono Partnership, Senior Staff Attorney; Heathcote School, Classroom parent and volunteer
Children: Ages 9 and 7

JODIE ROURE: 23 Cushman Road. Resident for 5 months.
Education: Juris Doctor and PhD
Occupation: Professor of Human Rights and Director at St. John's University School of Law Ronald H. Brown Prep Program at John Jay College
Civic Activities: CASES, volunteer; NYC Early Intervention Program, Board member (2009-2011); Pro Bono human rights research and expert witness testimony on marginalized communities in U.S. and Latin America
Children: Twins, ages 8

LAURA TONIOLO: 95 Secor Road. Resident for 2 years.
Education: Doctorate
Occupation: Banking
Civic Activities: N/A
Children: Age 7

Quaker Ridge

JONATHAN BIRENBAUM: 29 Wildwood Road. Resident for 23 years.
Education: AB, Colgate University; JD, Albany Law School of Union University
Occupation: Attorney
Civic Activities: Scarsdale Board of Ethics (2012-present); Westchester Reform Temple, Nominating Committee (2013).
Children: Ages 19 and 18

LAUREN RIMLAND: 3 Murdock Road. Resident for 21 years.
Education: AB, Bowdoin College; DDS, UNC School of Dentistry; Certificate of Orthodontics, Tufts University
Occupation: Retired Orthodontist
Civic Activities: Co-chair for Confirmation Class at Westchester Reform Temple (present); Ramapo for Children Board of Directors, member (2009-present); SHS PTA Recording Secretary (2009-2011); CHILD, Co-Chair (2004-2006); Volunteer at Quaker Ridge as Class Parent, Learning to Look, Publishing Center, member; Search Committee for Director of Special Education for Scarsdale School District.
Children: Ages 21, 20 and 15