Friday, Mar 14th

SHS Students Explore the Working World

EthanScarsdale High School seniors have left their desks and are on to bigger things -- Senior options, a program in which seniors pursue an independent project or an internship from May 4 – June 16 instead of attending regular school classes. The theory behind the program is that seniors will be theoretically "slumping" so much with their schoolwork by spring that they should put the time to good use and get "real world" working experience. Some seniors decide to use the time to try doing something they have never tried before, while others take the time to develop an existing passion. The result: many students are completing interesting and rewarding projects, where they are learning more than they could in a classroom. Here are some exciting projects Scarsdale students are enjoying:

Ethan Shire

Where: Bikkal & Associates, White Plains
When: 9-3
What: Ethan works for a law firm and is responsible forgathering information for immigrants DAPA (Deferred Action for Parental Accountability) files.  Specifically, Ethan contacts clients and asks for their biographical information including their previous addresses, to include in these files. The ultimate goal is to get these clients employment authorization so they can work in America legally and live without fear of deportation.
Highlight: "When I contact clients, I speak to them exclusively in Spanish. This is at times challenging, but it is a very rewarding experience."Picture 5

Oya Haznedar

Where: Picture House, Pelham
When: 10- 3:30
What: Oya works at the non-profit organization that runs the movie theater, which is dedicated to providing an alternative to commercial multiplex cinemas and almost exclusively shows foreign and independent films. The Picture House will sometimes host Q & A's with the directors, or members of the cast.
Highlight: "Going to the events for sure. We recently had a showing of Manos Sucias – a Spike Lee produced film – and the director was there for a wonderful Q & A."

Kelly Minster

Where: Neuehouse, New York City
When: 5 days a week
What: Kelly is working with Neuehouse, who helps people who are starting up businesses. People who are starting companies and other entrepreneurs become members and work in private offices where they can meet new people and get ideas. Kelly helps to host and organize events as well as assisting entrepreneurs to accomplish whatever they need to launch their business.
Highlight: "Recently we've been working with a woman who just launched her company. She's going to pitch the idea of her company to Google in a few weeks in a competition where, if you win, you are awarded money to use for the launch. So we've been helping her with the preparation."
"I think just meeting cool people is the best. She's taught us a lot about starting a company."

Picture 1Christine Desbois

Where: Chantilly Patisserie, Bronxville
What: Christine is working in the kitchen and helps with all things baking related.
Highlight: "Making cupcakes, cake batter, fondant decorations, and watching the actual bakers work."

Sara Calderon

Where: Deetown Entertainment
What: Sara is writing and recording songs with a guitar to develop into a LP
Highlight: "When I accidentally rewrote Stairway to Heaven. That wasn't a joke.... I made a piano jingle and showed my dad. He was like its great but it's also Stairway."

Brian Leff

Where: Standing Room Only, Scarsdale
What: Brian is helping out behind the counter at this prepared foods establishment. Brian mostly cuts vegetables.
Highlight: Brian is thoroughly enjoying the experience he is gaining. Everyday he prepares a new vegetable, and genuinely finds peace in the relatively monotonous process. Brian has struggled to slice Brussels sprouts as thinly as possible and has spent hours exploring the surprisingly long and arduous process necessary to make croutons. He has learned not to take his favorite salad bar chopped veggies for granted because he now knows how long they take to prepare.Picture 4

Allison Sugarman

Where: Quaker Ride Elementary School
What: Works with Mrs. Devlin, 4th grade teacher. Work with kids individually on their weaknesses, grades papers, aids organizing teachers' lessons.
Highlight: "Colonial Day was really fun because they took what they were learning in history and got to pretend they lived in that time and I remember doing it myself in 5th grade. It was just a lot of fun."

picture 2Matt Mandel

Where: AJC Westchester / Fairfield, White Plains
What: AJC is a Jewish organization that meets with world leaders to gain their support on issues relevant to the global Jewish community
Highlight: Matt had the opportunity to sit down with the Vice Foreign Minister from Lithuania and the Ambassador to the UN from Croatia and discuss a wide range of topics relevant to Jews internationally.

Geoffrey Fitzgerald

Where: Scarsdale10583
What: Geoffrey is working with Scarsdale10583, writing articles, updating the site, and posting calendar events.
Highlight: "Definitely the process behind writing an article. I like to see the article come together, from just an idea or a request, to a few questions or a conversation, to a bit of background research, and some opinions. I really like seeing the challenge all the way through, it's rewarding and exciting."