Friday, Mar 14th

Senior Transition Day at Scarsdale High School

AndyYearbookOn Monday June 8, the Scarsdale High School Class of 2015 attended school for one final day as an entire class before graduation. They were there for "Senior Transition Day" a day where students learn about their impending move to a college campus and wrap up their final moments as high school students. Activities on the day included a panel with current college freshmen, yearbook distribution and signing.

The panel with freshmen students was the first item on the day's agenda, and was filled with a question and answer session and an advisory session given by these freshmen. The freshmen represented a wide variety of schools, from Ivy League schools in the north, to small schools in the south, to state schools with large populations. Now that these freshmen have completed their first year at school, they emphasized being relaxes and striking a balance between fun and work. Several times, the students commented on not trying to force connections in college, but to allow oneself to be immersed in the college process. They also warned that acclimating to college does not happen overnight, but takes a while.PedroAndreYearbook

One student, Chris D'Silva from Williams College, mentioned that one tough part of the transition is feeling out of place. He commented that in high school, you have an identity, a character and a role –but when you go to college, nobody else knows the role that you've occupied for the past four years. Chris mentioned that everyone does have an identity in college, but until you know your place, you just need to let everything be, and naturally find where you belong.

PaigeLaurenYearbookOther students mentioned the dangers of FOMO, or the Fear of Missing Out. Essentially FOMO is this feeling that if you stay in, and don't go out at every opportunity; you will be left behind in terms of friendships and friend development. The students commented that this wasn't true, and that the need to succeed academically should be paramount, and friends will understand that decision to study.

One member of the panel, Marc Hersch, a freshman at Columbia University, ended the morning with this statement, "College is not a time to play it safe, but play safely."BridgetYearbook

After the panel, students met with Deans to fill out last second paperwork and exchange information regarding their college plans. Afterwards, they met as an entire class in the gyms to sign yearbooks and eat lunch. For three hours the students walked around the gym, eating sandwiches from student favorites, Buon Amici's and Gianonni's provided by the High School PTA. It was a fun experience for all, full of reminiscing and nostalgia. Students walked around, shared photos of themselves from elementary school, and reminisced with older friends about how far they've come since elementary school. Students also had a great time signing yearbooks, and recalling lasting memories with their friends.