Friday, Mar 14th

Scarsdale Values Excellence and Innovation

sustainableschoolAs the community struggles to come to consensus on the future of Scarsdale's school facilities, perhaps it would be helpful to remind ourselves of our shared values and frame the decision around these tenets. If we can agree on what we value most, we can evaluate our options and agree to a course that aligns with this vision.

As a 27-year resident of Scarsdale (with no children in the schools) here are the values that I believe we share:

Excellence in Education: Scarsdale's brand is our first rate school district. That's what draws the vast majority of people from all over the country and the world to town. They want the best in public education for their children and believe in the lifetime value of a Scarsdale education. Year after year students have record admittance rates to the most selective colleges and universities where they use their critical thinking skills to launch them into interesting and challenging careers.

Innovation: Scarsdale has a history of innovation in education at all levels. A few examples include:

The implementation of the Singapore Math program that has proven to be an effective way to teach math to elementary school students. Educators from all over the world have visited the district to see it in action.

The unique four-house system at Scarsdale Middle School, that provides tweens with the benefit of a small-school experience within a larger environment. It allows for stronger relationships between teachers and students, a more intimate and individualized learning experience and promotes a feeling of belonging at a time in life when some can feel alienated.

At the high school the Civ Ed program again provides entering freshmen with a community during their introduction to high school. The world language exchange programs and music trips give students the chance to meet students from faraway places. The new STEAM curriculum introduces students to coding, design thinking and engineering, before they will encounter these subjects in college.

District wide, the Center for Innovation incubates and fosters the development of new programs at all levels by awarding grants for research to faculty members.

Helping each child to achieve his or her personal best: Another value is providing each child with the opportunity to learn and grow in line with his or her own development. Our special education program allows many to be mainstreamed into regular classrooms while receiving extra support. At the high school, there are courses to accommodate all kinds of learners – from AT to skills classes and everything in between.

Collaboration: The District has a history of collaborative decision-making, calling on parents, teachers, community residents, board members and school administrators to work together to identify issues, analyze options and set priorities. Through the use of committees, task forces and public forums, issues are discussed, views are exchanged and eventually the community comes to consensus on the best course of action.

Non-Sibi, meaning "Not for Oneself Alone" continues to be the district's motto. Paramount is the district's goal to educate students to make a positive contribution to society and to serve others.

What does all of the above have to do with our facilities? Everything!

In order to continue our tradition of excellence school facilities should provide an ideal environment for learning, meeting current building and safety code and conforming to model program requirements as outlined by the state education department.

To continue to be leaders in innovation, the district should provide facilities that enable flexibility and inspire creativity. Current educational design thinking emphasizes the importance of light-filled rooms that bring the outside in, flexible spaces for both small and large group exercises, design labs and maker spaces, multi-purpose ergonomic furniture, ample space for recreation and imaginative play along with fresh air, safe water, accessibility and ease of entrance and exit to school buildings.

The district can do more than teach design thinking – we can live it by building sustainable facilities for the future, that utilize energy-saving systems like solar power and geothermal heating and cooling. These green buildings will demonstrate to students what it means to be an environmentally responsible citizen and safeguard resources and save money down the line.

In terms of collaboration and Non-Sibi, the community can come together and agree to do what's best for the children who are here now and those who will move here in the decades to come. That means providing them with a safe environment that enhances learning and will endure for the next 50-100 years.

We cannot risk their health by exposing them to a lengthy renovation of a one hundred year old building that could pose environmental dangers and will disrupt learning at a critical time in their lives. We must put the needs of young families before a shrinking group of self-interested homeowners who are concerned about a school in their backyards. These folks have tied the community in knots and shown that they can't see the forest for the trees. A green Greenacres School would be a boon to their home values as well as those of everyone else.

Scarsdale now has its chance to maintain its stellar reputation and set new standards for excellence. The funding is available and the community has demonstrated time and time again that they support progress, innovation and first-rate schools. All we need now is the commitment of the school board and administration to lead us into a bright future.