Thursday, Mar 06th

Feuhrer and Singer Win Seats on the School Board, 2018/19 Budget Passes

school board electionsA stormy evening did not stop residents from supporting the candidates and waiting to hear the results of the election for the school board seats and 2018-19 school budget. After the polls closed at 9 pm, the ballots were counted and it was announced that the budget passed with 906 yes votes and 206 no’s. The votes were then announced for the two seats on the school board. 

Alison Singer, running unopposed, got 890 votes, and Pam Feuhrer, earning 829 votes, beat out Woodrow Crouch, who got 317 votes. Feuhrer is returning to the school board to serve a second three year term.

Five board members were present and passed a motion to acknowledge the results of the votes. Both Feuhrer and Singer rejoiced and were congratulated by friends and board members.