Friday, Mar 14th

Raiders Provide Meals to Frontline Workers

MWMealsDespite the COVID-19 pandemic, Raider pride and spirit remains strong. Even though Scarsdale fans won’t be cheering on their athletes this spring, the community has come out in full force to help support our frontline workers.

Scarsdale High School’s Maroon and White raised over $2700 to provide meals for the White Plains Hospital staff through RAIDER STRONG tee shirt sales. Maroon and White, the athletic booster organization responsible for providing funds for equipment for SHS and SMS athletic teams and physical education programs not covered by the school budget, created an online store for Scarsdale families and teachers to sell long and short sleeve tee shirts.

Maroon and White partnered with Gianonni’s Deli to provide one sandwich, drink and chips to a WPH staff member for every shirt sold. SHS senior athletes helped deliver the tee shirts throughout the community. Over 600 meals will be delivered to the frontline workers this week. Maroon and White also sold 782 Raider face masks. A second webstore for additional masks will open soon and will provide an opportunity to all buyers to purchase an additional mask for SPD, SFD and SVAC first responders.MWMasks