Friday, Mar 14th

Greenacres Elementary Celebrates Opening of Expanded School

RibbonCuttingPrincipal Sharon Hill and students cut the green ribbon.Though School Superintendent Dr. Thomas Hagerman hoped to hold a community wide ribbon cutting ceremony for the renovated and expanded Greenacres Elementary School, the celebration went on, but most watched online.

On Friday January 22, school board members, school administrators, teachers and students gathered in front of the large Greenacres sign on Huntington Avenue to mark the opening of the expanded school.

School Board President Pam Fuehrer began the ceremony saying that the project was a “great example of listening and understanding the desires of the faculty, students and community members.” She said, “Over three years there was significant study and discussion … the school community asked for more flexible spaces.” She said, the new building “Aligns therapeutic spaces and specials” and “meets engineering, health and safety concerns,” many recommended by the Greenacres Building Committee. She continued, “The result of all that listening, discussing and collaborating was a bond proposal,” and she went on to thank architects and engineers BBS, construction managers from Park East and members of previous boards.

Dr. Hagerman called the school “A place to inspire and ignite learning in its many forms,” with flexible space for “innovation, play, the arts, wellness and nutrition in our new classrooms, library, learning commons.” He thanked members of the current and past boards and former Facilities Director John Trenholm who shepherded this through and especially the teachers for “this truly spectacular finish.”

FuehrerSchool Board President Pam Fuehrer opened the ceremony.Greenacres School Principal Sharon Hill said, “This is a proud moment for the community,” and said “life has been changed at Greenacres forever.” She said the new building “resonates a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere.”

Representing the faculty, teacher Joan Farella said she has worked at Greenacres for 33 years and this was the largest renovation. She read comments from faculty members who said, “the classrooms are an absolute pleasure … they are big and beautiful.” The new furniture is “amazing” and “flexible,” and the hallways are “bright.”

Students were also invited to speak. One said, “We can’t go to school full time but we can enjoy our classrooms, new cafeteria and so much more.”

Another said, “I love the new fifth grade wing. I could never have imagined it would look so beautiful. I am excited to be in a fun learning environment. I love going up the big beautiful stairs. I love the new school and know you will too.”

A fifth graders said, “The renovations have positively impacted my learning …. we have our own desks that can roll to meet with study partners. The hallways create an ebullient atmosphere. The classrooms are more spacious. I think the renovations represent what we, the students at Greenacres Elementary School are …. an optimistic, clean and hardworking community.”


A video tour is available online showing the new learning commons, an expanded art room, cafeteria, new classroom and an ADA compliant playground at the back of the school. Tour the school yourself here: