Sports Swap Offers Some of the Best Deals in Town
- Monday, 01 April 2019 18:41
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 02 April 2019 06:02
- Published: Monday, 01 April 2019 18:41
- Midori Im
- Hits: 5228
100 bikes were donated this year. Photo: Amber YusufThere was a line forming an hour before opening. People in the know appreciate that to get some of the best deals in town, you want to get to Sports Swap early. Every year the Scarsdale PT Council holds a fundraiser in the form of its Sports Swap. Members from the community donate gently used sports gear, musical instruments, and formalwear which are then sold at bargain basement prices at the event, this year held on March 30th at the Scarsdale Middle School. The PT Council informs and advises all seven of the Scarsdale PTAs as they fulfill their mission of promoting the welfare of Scarsdale students. Proceeds from the swap benefit all Scarsdale schools.
The event is a also a wonderful way that Scarsdale advocates for a more earth-friendly way of living, by encouraging the community to “reduce, reuse and recycle.” The event’s new logo says it all.
Dozens of Volunteers stepped up to help. Photo: Amber Yusuf
Five year-old Aidan enjoys his new bike. Photo: Midori Im
Third grader Hongrui and kindergartener Siru had a successful morning of shopping with their parents, Li and Hao. Photo credit: Midori Im.
Scarsdale newcomers Chase and Brooke, along with Dad Eric, didn’t leave their first sports swap empty-handed. Photo credit: Midori Im
Swap Co-Chairs Meg Simon and Danielle Shelov. Photo courtesy of Kathy Stahler