Farmers Market Coming to the Village, Heathcote Bridge to be Repaired and more from Village Hall
- Wednesday, 25 January 2023 13:07
- Last Updated: Thursday, 26 January 2023 18:16
- Published: Wednesday, 25 January 2023 13:07
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 2031
At the opening of the January 24 meeting of the Village Board Mayor Jane Veron wished everyone a Happy Lunar New Year, the year of the rabbit, and said, “2023 is predicted to be a year of hope. ‘
She reported that trustees were holding meeting with Village Department heads to review their budget needs for the coming fiscal year. In addition to the budget, Trustees are focused on road conditions and will hear a report from the Department of Public Works on a road survey next week. She also warned residents to heed the new Village speed limit of 25 mph and said signage has been installed.
In other news, the Village is considering a contract from a firm in Connecticut to bring a farmer’s market to Scarsdale Village to be held on Sundays in Scarsdale Village from June to November. Trustees also scheduled a public hearing on a code amendment to allow retailers to sell goods on the sidewalks of the Village. Work continues on schematics for the pool renovation and for plans for traffic and sidewalks in the Village center.
Heathcote Bridge Repair
Village Manager Rob Cole reported that the repair project for the Heathcote Bridge will soon be put out to bid. Specifically he said, “Following a review process that involved both NYS and federal agencies, the Village has received authorization to bid the Heathcote Road Bridge Reconstruction project. We are on target for a bid opening on March 2, with an award in late March or early April. The construction timeline will be fleshed out with the successful bidder, though it should be noted that Superintendent Coleman and his team continue to place priority on project completion following the shortest possible timeline.”
Property Tax Exemption
A public hearing was held on a resolution to increase the minimum income level for property tax exemptions for seniors and the disabled. Village Assessor Victoria Sirota explained that the proposed resolution raises the income level from $29,000 up to $50,000 for a 50% exemption and on a sliding scale for those with incomes between $50,000 and $58,0000.
The school board opted to increase the exemption for school taxes for those earning up to $50,000 but did not include exemptions for medical expenses. Unreimbursed medical expenses could be considered for those earning above $58,000 The consideration would allow those to qualify for the exemption if they earn more than $50,000.
Public Comments
Bob Harrison spoke about tax increases and said the county would have no tax increase this year. He also said the Village had understated the amount of interest income they would receive in the proposed Village budget for next year.
Liaison Reports
Trustee Ahuja said the Personnel Committee of the Board of Trustees is looking for diverse candidates to fill vacancies on Village Boards and Councils.
Public Hearings
Trustees agreed to hold a public hearing on February 14, 2023 on a code amendment to allow retailers and café owners to utilize sidewalks to sell goods, foods and beverages and to place tables for the pick-up or drop off of goods in these areas.
The Board approved a resolution to hold a public hearing on a new law regarding illegal connections to the sanitary sewer system. The new law would require those who do a property improvement of more than $100,000 or sell their home to obtain certification by an appropriate professional that their sewer lateral and plumbing do not contribute inflow or infiltration in the village sanitary sewer system or contain significant defects or lack maintenance.
Tax Cap Override
The Board passed a resolution to allow them to adopt a budget that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the tax cap, if needed. Trustee Lewis explained, “This does not mean that the board is going down that path – just that they can.”
Appointment to the Committee for Historic Preservation
The Board approved the appointment of Sherry Geer to the Committee for Historic Preservation for a term vacated until April 2025.