Friday, Mar 28th

VillageBoard2024The Village Board said goodbye to Trustees Sameer Ahuja and Karen Brew after 4 years of service.Four years of service on the Scarsdale Village Board fosters friendships, camaraderie and opportunities to learn. That’s what came through on Tuesday March 25, at the final meeting for Trustees Sameer Ahuja and Karen Brew who complete their terms this week.

As is the tradition, there was kudos around the dais and from the audience for the two departing trustees. Many of the comments noted similar character traits and demonstrated how the complementary skill sets of board members benefit the whole.

Karen Brew was noted for her business acumen, ability to listen and her courage to speak up with a competing viewpoint. Highlights of her leadership included taking the Village through the difficult decision of whether or not to authorize the sale of marijuana in the Village, along with her leadership during the formulation of changes to building code and a building moratorium last year.

Sameer Ahuja, who was unable to attend the meeting in person due to business travel, participated via Zoom. There were many comments on his knowledge of technology and assistance in improving cell phone coverage, improving the technology in Village Hall and decision making skills, all with a sense of humor.

Here are some excerpts from the lengthy remarks:

Heedan Chung, President of the League of Women Voters of Scarsdale said, “We are so grateful for all of your work.” She said the League would miss working with their liaison Karen Brew.

Marian Green, Chair of the Council on People with Disabilities said, “Knowing Karen for many years I would like to thank her for her most valuable efforts. Her business acumen is incomparable.” She said, “I am sure you won’t just stop. I know I can always call on you.”

Mayor Justin Arest read comments from former Village Trustee Randy Whitestone:

About Ahuja he said the Village had “benefited from a homegrown top-flight corporate executive dedicating time to helping make our village a better place. In seeing first-hand your work on the pool project and on improving our cellphone coverage, I appreciated your goal-oriented approach and problem-solving skills.” He thanked him for his contributions to village staffing, organizational structure, communications, and technology.”

To Karen, Whitestone said, “I appreciated your common-sense approach to issues both simple and complex, bringing to bear your practical business experience and deep understanding of our community. You always looked at issues at both the twenty-thousand- and five-hundred-foot levels, both big picture and “on the ground” the way our residents experience Scarsdale... … The village has benefited greatly from your clear-eyed wisdom and dedication.”

Ken Mazer brought a laugh when he said, “With Sameer absent, I feel a little like Clint Eastwood at the 2016 Republican convention talking to an empty Chair…”

To Sameer he said, …. “You provided an executive’s drive for excellence and an entrepreneur’s strategic vision. For example, I was continually impressed by your role in transforming the technology in our village. Residents can see – or should I say, hear – the fruits of your work through our enhanced village cell coverage that will only get better.”

To Karen, Mazer said, “I appreciated your thoughtful demeanor. When the rest of us were going at it sharply exchanging opinions and debating viewpoints, you were listening carefully to everything said, and would only finally speak when you had something of value to say that brought consensus to our decision-making. We hung on your every word, at least I did anyway. You provided objective and practical counsel on every discussion and every matter. Often, I’d say to myself “That’s a really good point.”

Then Mazer got a second laugh when he turned to the Mayor who was elected for a second term and said, “And finally, Justin, now that your term has expired…oh, never mind…”

Deputy Mayor Dara Gruenberg addressed Brew saying, ”You consistently brought a level of diligence and attention to detail that helped move conversations forward in a productive way. You never glossed over the fine print—you dove in, asked the right questions, and made sure nothing was overlooked. That commitment to doing the work well has been a clear through line in everything you’ve taken on.”

“Your voice during our land use discussions was especially valuable. You brought a balanced, practical perspective to the table, and helped us navigate some very complex topics with a focus on long-term impact and fairness. You brought a calm, grounded approach to all of our work, and a steady energy to the board—never the loudest in the room, but always prepared, engaged, and focused on doing what’s right for the Village and never wavering from your moral compass.”

To Ahuja, Gruenberg said, “Working with you on personnel matters, communications and technology, as well as a plethora of other issues, gave me a close-up view of how you operate—and I have to say, I really appreciated your ability to cut through the noise and focus on what matters. You asked the tough questions, skipped the posturing, and pushed conversations forward with honesty and efficiency. You weren’t afraid to challenge assumptions or suggest a better way of doing things, and that kind of no-nonsense approach helped us stay results-focused and move things forward - which is not always easy in municipal government. You were an excellent seatmate—and a good neighbor in every sense. Sharp, observant, and always just the right amount of sarcastic.”
Mayor Justin Arest said, “Sameer, despite your demanding career and frequent travels, you’ve consistently prioritized the well-being of our community. Your expertise in technology has been invaluable—whether it’s safeguarding our systems against cyber threats or enhancing our network management, you’ve ensured that Scarsdale stays protected and connected. On the finance committee, your efforts to boost interest income and strengthen our budget have been particularly impactful, reflecting your thoughtful and strategic approach.”

Turning to Karen he said, “Your involvement in the pool project demonstrated both your desire to look ahead as well as your willingness to navigate complex challenges head-on. And, from addressing the tough conversations around cannabis to constantly advocating for cost reductions and quality-of-life improvements, you’ve shown unwavering commitment and thoughtful guidance. Your pragmatic approach and dedication to considering every angle have greatly benefited our community.”

“Thank you both for your countless contributions and unwavering commitment to our village.”

Jeremy Gans said, “One of the most rewarding things about being on the board has been meeting new people who I probably would not have met if I had not served. I feel I have become a better person and a better trustee from the service.”

Gans continued, “Karen, you worked with me on bringing in Keene and Beane. You ask thoughtful questions. On the budget, you asked questions that did not occur to me. Most important, you taught me to push in my chair to let others pass by.”

To Ahuja he said, “Sameer, it’s been great to get to know you. I was struck by your passion for Scarsdale. You are always looking out for others. You deserve credit for the work on cell phone coverage. Simply getting Verizon to the table for discussions was the crowning achievement.
Anything is possible because you are Sameer!”

Turning to Karen Brew, Trustee Jeremy Wise said, “High praise is both warranted and earned… You have demonstrated a commitment to the public welfare.” To Sameer, he said, “I was going to say you are an enigma wrapped in a puzzle. You were a credit to the board – your knowledge of technology was invaluable You will be missed but I know we can always call you back into service.”

Karen Brew then made her own closing remarks, saying “It’s been an honor to serve over the past four years. This has been rewarding and a learning experience.”

To Ken Mazer she said, “You are one of the kindest people I ever worked with. You always put the human element at the forefront.”

She called Gruenberg “a no nonsense person of action. You put together a plan and get things done…… I put together a nice wedding ceremony but then I find out you have a few that you let the couples choose from. Then when I had surgery and couldn’t walk you drove me everywhere for 10 weeks.”

To Justin Arest she said, “Your knowledge of all aspects of Scarsdale never ceases to amaze me.
We have been in good hands for the last two years.”

To Village Manage Alex Marshall she said, “When you did the job of Village Manager and Deputy Village Manager for over a year you did a great job. You are calm and cool under pressure.”

About Gans she said, “I have worked with him on the board for 3 out of 4 years. We worked on hiring Keene and Beane and on code changes this past year.”

To Wise she said, “We have developed a great working relationship and friendship. I appreciate your directness and pushing us to find solutions.”

She thanked Ahuja for his “strategic perspective,” and for his “great sense of humor to lighten up the mood in the room.”

Wrapping up, Ahuja spoke via Zoom and said, “I wish I could be there. Thank you all for your flexibility as my schedule has evolved. Tonight is bittersweet. Serving on the Village Board has been one of the great honors of my life. It has been challenging and deeply rewarding.”
Thanks to those who encouraged me to run and to the people on the CNC who twice entrusted me with this important role.”

Working alongside all the volunteers. Passion and dedication leave an indelible mark on the people we call home

He called the Village Staff “the unsung heroes of Scarsdale.”

He said to Wise, “I was struck by your courage even when you ask tough questions. You’re willingness to speak up.” He told Brew, “You always asked the right question.” To Mazer he said, “Sitting next to you was one of the great joys of my tenure. Our families are connected now and I hope they will be for years to come.” To Jeremy Gans he said, “You put residents first. I enjoyed our spirited conversations about economics, politics. My wife said you are her favorite trustee.”

To Gruenberg he said, “Dara, there would be no Samir + Village Board had we not met. The community benefits from your willingness to make people feel welcome and included.
For over a decade you have worked tirelessly to support civic and religious institutions.”

He credited the Mayor with “deep knowledge and a passion for finding consensus.”

Last he thanked his family saying, “I joined the board when my kids were 11 and 8. I hope I showed by kids the value of public service.” He added, “I was the first person of color to serve on the board.” To his wife he said, “You managed your own full time job and everything while I pursued this.”

He ended with a quote from the late great Kobe Bryant who said, “You asked for my hustle, I gave you my heart.”

exofficioThere will be a young new face at the table at Board of Education meetings beginning in September 2025. Governor Kathy Hochul recently signed a law that requires the addition of an ex-officio student or students to school boards for the coming school year.

In order to draft a policy for Scarsdale, Board President Suzie Hahn, Superintendent Drew Patrick, Board VP James Dugan, Board member Colleen Brown, and SHS Principal Ken Bonamo met to draft the language. The Board has a great deal of discretion about the definition of the role and how the students would be selected.

The subgroup considered a possible proposal that they shared with the board at their meeting March 10, 2025. Introducing the conversation, Board President Suzie Hahn said, "The Scarsdale Board of Education exists to support the Mission of the Scarsdale Public Schools to sponsor each student's full development, enabling our youth to be effective and independent contributors in a democratic society and an interdependent world. To this end, the New York State law to appoint a student or students to serve as ex-officio members of the Board is viewed as an opportunity both to inform and enrich discussions at the Board table, as well as to provide students with opportunities to participate in civics and local government, promoting student growth towards the goals outlined in Scarsdale’s Profile of a Graduate. The Board invites all interested students to apply for this role.”

The responsibilities include attending BOE meetings and school government meetings. At least one student would act as a liaison between the student government and the board. The student will be invited to attend the opening session of the Board meeting and to provide an update. They could remain as long as they like at the meetings or be excused so that their service does not interrupt homework, extracurriculars or family activities.

Based on the SBNC model, the nominating committee would be the student government as they are elected by their peers.
Qualified applicants must have good academic standing, good citizenship, the recommendation of their Dean, enrollment in the school for at least a year and residency in the school district.

Students seeking to apply will be asked to fill out an application to the Board.

Students will make presentations to and be interviewed by the nominating committee with oversight from the SHS Principal, Assistant Principal for Student Life and advisors.

There would be a minimum of two candidates for each position proposed, with a cap of four candidates for each position which the committee can choose to exceed. These candidates would then go out to election by students in grades 9-11.

In the discussion that followed many questions were posed:

Amber Yusuf asked if teacher’s children would not be qualified to run?

Leah Dembitzer said, “I like the idea of a school election during the same time as the BOE election. She said, “I think it’s important that there is more than one candidate.” She asked for a post process review to see how it worked.

Ron Schulhof asked questions about the nominating committee and asked if the Board wants to ask the students how they choose to elect the Board member. He said, “Can students who are not nominated run outside the system?”

Jim Dugan said “There is a wide range of student behaviors and some may not be appropriate BOE members, and that’s where the recommendation of the Dean comes in.” He said, “It would be problematic if anyone who wants to run could run.”

Suzie Hahn explained, “We want to have this process to protect the child and make sure they don’t get in over their head. That’s why we would like a Dean’s recommendation.”

Colleen Brown said, “We looked at how other districts are doing it. We felt that any student who wants to should have the opportunity to apply and reflect on why they want the role. We put structures in place in terms of the Dean’s recommendation. We want to be sure that the member is chosen by the students.”

Schulhof asked what does “good citizenship” mean. Does this mean a U.S. citizen?” The response was “no.”

Board members also asked how “good academic standing” would be defined. Hahn clarified the intent, saying, “Can the student dedicate themselves to this role and still succeed in school.”

There was more discussion on whether or not children of faculty and tuition paying students who are non-residents should be permitted to run along with children of current or former Board of Education members. About the voting, the Board considered whether it should be done be popular or rank-choice voting.

Hahn asked if there was a general consensus on the process as outlined.

Schulhof thought the students should define the process.

Brown thought the students would need more structure for this first year.

Dugan said, “We need to set this up for success…. setting up the structure makes perfect sense.”

Hahn agreed that a structure should be set up for consistency year to year.

Yusuf asked if there was time to complete this process this year. Suzie Hahn discussed some possibilities to condense the process given the timing.

tenniscourtWith a $1.178 mm budget gap between projected revenues and expenses for the 2025-26 fiscal year, at a work session on February 11, 2025 the Village Board and Village Treasurer examined options for how to balance the budget. How much of the fund balance should be used in the 2025-26 budget and should the budget exceed the state tax cap? Were there any expenses that could be cut?

The Village tax portion of a homeowner’s tax bill is not as steep as it is for school taxes. The treasurer’s report shows that if the Village Board keeps the increase in the Village budget to the tax cap limit of 3.01% the increase for the average taxpayer would be $125.25/year. If the Board opts to pass a budget that exceeds the tax cap with a 4.57% increase, the average taxpayer would get a $249.20 increase in their tax bill.

The Village Treasurer presented the Board with four budget scenarios that varied the use of the unassigned fund balance and estimates for sales tax revenue, interest earnings and even the cost of snow removal, which has been less than anticipated in the last few years.

The Board appeared to favor a scenario that exceeded the tax cap but preserved fund balance for upcoming projects such as the restoration of the Scarsdale Pool Complex. The Board will meet again to finalize the numbers.

While they were discussing finances we took a look at the capital projects that are in the proposed 2025-26 budget and noted, the following items for the Parks Department. While the budget could change, this is what’s now planned:

-Aspen Park Playground Renovation: $300,000
-Winston Field Improvements: $600,000
-HS Platform Tennis Court Improvements: $30,000
-HS Tennis Court Crack Repairs: $90,000
-SMS Tennis Court Crack Repairs: $75,000
-Crossway Tennis Court Crack Repairs: $120,000

There’s lots more allocated for storm drainage, curbing, sidewalks, Freightway Garage repairs, Village Hall and more. Take a look at the budget here:

Following the work session, there was a meeting of the Village Board.

Here are a few of the resolutions that were approved:

Emily Giovanni was appointed as an Assistant Village Manager. She comes to Scarsdale from a position at Croton on Hudson.

Also appointed was a new Lieutenant of Police to fill the shoes of Lieutenant Steve DelBene who was promoted to Chief of Police.

Tax Cap Override

The Board scheduled a Public Hearing on a resolution to authorize a real property tax levy that exceeds the NYS Tax Cap. The hearing will be held on February 25 at 8 pm at Village Hall. Mayor Justin Arest said, “this does not mean that we will go above the tax cap,” but gives them the flexibility to do so if they adopt a budget that does exceed the cap.

Tennis Court Fence Height

Another resolution was passed to hold a public hearing on a law affecting the height of fences around tennis courts on February 25, 2025. According to a memo from the Village the Board of Zoning Appeals has adopted guidelines to allow 10 foot high fences around courts but this does not concur with Village Code that forbids fences higher than seven feet. This new law would make the zoning code and Village code consistent.

Appointment to the Board of Architectural Review

Jason Young was appointed as an alternate to the Board of Architectural review for the unexpired portion of a term ending April 6, 2026.

Recreation Fees and Charges

The Board of Trustees approved a schedule of Recreation Fees and Charges for 2025-26. You can review the fees here:

The Board approved a license to allow Verizon vehicles to park on the lower level at Scarsdale Village Hall.

Written Communications

The Board received a report from the Scarsdale Forum on artificial turf. Click here to read the report:

Tax Collections

Village Treasurer Ann Scaglione reported that tax collection rates were the highest they have been in four years with 99.7% of county taxes, 98.52% of school taxes and 99.09% of village taxes collected as of January 31, 2025.

Vigil1No government officials, political figures or even a rabbi led the Bibas Family Vigil held in Scarsdale Village’s Chase Park on the evening of February 26, 2025. In just 24 hours, community member Michael Levinson organized the event for other like minded locals to come together to express their horror, outrage and sadness over the deaths of Israeli hostages Shiri, Ariel and Kfir Bibas, originally taken on October 7, 2023.

LevinsonIn his opening statement Mr. Levinson remarked that this was not a political event and although he held his rabbi in high esteem, this was a time for the community to show each other support and mourn together. He described the event as “participatory, with no leader” and encouraged attendees to come up and share their prayers, poems and feelings. He said “sometimes we need to speak up for ourselves, become our own voice…we gather together as one person with one heart to mourn”.

Vigil attendees did come forward to speak from their hearts. One woman spoke about trained psychologists that support IDF soldiers and hostages stressing that “we are not alone”. Another spoke about how we all “need to shine more brightly in this time of darkness, shine our lights together.” Israelie citizen, Tomer Sinai, spoke the moving and sad words of Yarden Bibas, the husband and father of the murdered hostages whose bodies were returned to Israel last week. More speakers came forward including an American IDF soldier, a tween and an elderly woman who all expressed their pain and sorrow over this event. The Scarsdale community joined a movement of Bibas Family Vigils that have been happening around the globe.

Pictures of the Bibas family were held up by members of the Run 4 Their Lives Organization, Westchester Chapter ( Attendees were asked to wear orange and many held orange balloons. The color orange has come to represent the advocacy of the Bibas family, most likely due to the bright redheaded hair of the Bibas children.

Commenting on the vigil the following day, organizer Michael Levinson said, "“I am immensely grateful to everyone in the community who showed up at the height of rush hour, some clad in orange, some with kids in tow, some rushing from the train and weary from a long workday. We were a bit more than 150 people strong – an excellent turnout for a gathering that was planned only 24 hours earlier. It was healing and meaningful not to be alone in our sorrow, and it was particularly heartwarming that many non-Jewish members of the community came to stand by our side and cry with us. Above all, the far-reaching impact of this small gathering has been profound. Many of the participants, including my Israeli husband, and I have sent videos and photos of the gathering to our friends and families in Israel – a nation in mourning. The heartfelt gratitude the recipients of these videos and photos have expressed is as impactful for those who participated in the vigil as the footage was for the Israelis who received it. At a time when so many of us are rendered crestfallen by our news cycle and feel helpless to do anything about it, when words fail us and our resolve is tested and we feel alone – how moving to send love and support halfway around the world; how nourishing for them and for us that we could show them they are not alone, for in our small town, thousands of miles away, a whole community is grief-stricken with them.”


The event closed with the Mourner’s Kaddish and singing of Hatikvah, the Israeli national anthem.


FriedlandZachary Kirschner and Jacob Friedland
Two SHS juniors, Zachary Kirschner and Jacob Friedland, have found a way to make a meaningful impact on their community and the causes that are important to them while doing something they enjoy. "Basketball has always been something we both love," says Jacob, "so we thought, why not combine that with our passion for giving back?" Through their nonprofit organization, Hoops for Change, Zachary and Jacob have been able to do just that—organizing local tournaments that have raised over $4,000 for various charities, including Backyard Sports Cares, IDF Brothers for Life, Soles 4 Souls, and most recently, Altadena Boys, which supports the relief efforts of the recent California fires.

By securing the courts, promoting the tournaments, managing sign-ups, collecting donations, creating the teams and tournament structure, and even refereeing the games, Zachary and Jacob are not just raising money, but also educating their peers about these important charities.

"We want people to understand that it's not just about playing a game—it's about making a difference” says Zachary. "It’s been awesome to see our friends get involved and support and learn about the causes we care about." Through their efforts, they’re fostering a spirit of generosity and unity within their community.
basketball36 people played in a tournament on the Lunar New Year organized by Hoops for Change.
For these two students, this is only the beginning. “We’ve got a lot of exciting plans ahead,” Zachary shares. “We’re already working on more tournaments this spring, and we hope to keep growing and helping as many people as possible.” With big ambitions for the future, Zachary and Jacob are determined to continue using basketball as a force for good.

Want to get involved? Follow @_hoopsforchange on Instagram to stay updated on their upcoming events and see firsthand how two high school students are changing the game—on and off the court.