Tuesday, Feb 18th

CNC Nominates Arest for Mayor and Goldschmidt, Gruenberg and Kofman for Village Trustee

JustinArest25Justin Arest

Mayor Justin Arest has been nominated by the Citizen's Nominating Committee to run for a second two-year term as the Mayor of Scarsdale. This may be the first time in Scarsdale's history when a Mayor was nominated to serve a second term.  In addition, Deputy Mayor Dara Gruenberg received the nomination for a second term as Village Trustee and David Goldschmidt and Jason Kofman were selected to run for their first terms on the Scarsdale Village Board of Trustees.

Current Village Trustees Karen Brew and Sameer Ahuja will complete their service in March, 2025.

Commenting in his nomination, Mayor Arest said, "I am profoundly grateful to the members of the Citizens Nominating Committee for their service to our community and their commitment to Scarsdale’s longstanding nonpartisan system of government. While I did not anticipate seeking another term, I am deeply honored to have been renominated to run for a second term as the Mayor of Scarsdale.

The past two years have been incredibly productive for our village—adding services like weekly recycling, addressing critical flooding infrastructure, hiring a new village manager, and advancing major capital projects that improve our quality of life. These accomplishments are the result of collaborative efforts among our talented and dedicated village staff, my fellow board members, and countless volunteers whose commitment to Scarsdale is what makes this such a special place to live.

I look forward to welcoming the new trustees and continuing to work with the Village Board to serve our community."

See the announcement from the CNC below:

(The following was submitted by the Scarsdale Citizens Nominnating Commiittee on January 23, 2025)

The Citizens Nominating Committee (CNC) is pleased to announce its selected slate of candidates for the upcoming Scarsdale Citizens Non-Partisan Party election, scheduled for March 18, 2025.

The nominated candidates are:

Village Mayor:

Justin Arest, a Scarsdale resident for 12 years, currently serving as Village Mayor.

Village Trustee:

David J. Goldschmidt, a Scarsdale resident for 22 years

Dara Gruenberg, a Scarsdale resident for 13 years, currently serving as Village Trustee and seeking a second term.

Jason Kofman, a Scarsdale resident for 12 yearsDaraGruenberg2025Dara Gruenberg

The general election will take place on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at the Scarsdale Public Library, 54 Olmsted Road, in the Scott Room. Voting hours are from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Raju Sitaula, Chair of the CNC, and Vice Chair Scott Harris led the committee in selecting this slate. Additionally, the CNC has elected Amy Frank as Chair and Liang Leon Xi as Vice Chair for the upcoming year, with Dan Besikof serving as Vice Chair of the Procedure Committee.

Beginning in early December 2024, the CNC conducted a thorough search for potential candidates, engaging in extensive due diligence. While deliberations and reference conversations remain confidential, the CNC meticulously evaluated each candidate's background, experience, and qualifications.

"We extend our gratitude to all candidates who submitted application and to the CNC members for their dedication and diligence in selecting this exemplary slate of candidates,” said Raju Sitaula.DavidGoldschmidtDavid Goldschmidt

The Citizens Nominating Committee (CNC) is a non-partisan committee composed of 30 elected Scarsdale residents dedicated to identifying and nominating highly qualified individuals for village offices to ensure effective and representative local governance. The CNC process is conducted with strict confidentiality to maintain fairness and integrity and is guided by the rules set by the Procedure Committee and the Non-Partisan Resolution.

This year, the CNC has made the decision to nominate Justin Arest for a second two-year term as Village Mayor. This decision marks a departure from the CNC’s tradition of nominating Mayors to one two-year term. During the CNC’s rigorous review process, which included an examination of Village statutes and historical documents, it was confirmed that this tradition is a customary practice JasonKofmanJason Kofmanand is not a requirement. After extensive deliberation, the CNC members voted to nominate the candidate they felt is best positioned to lead our village for the next two years.

Additionally, the Chair and Vice Chair of the CNC have recommended to the Procedure Committee a review of term limits for Village elected officials to ensure that CNC policies align with the evolving needs of the community.