Thursday, Mar 20th

Drunk Drivers and a Burglary from the Scarsdale Police

policeshieldDrunk Drivers: Bruce Mitchell, age 61 of Rock Creek Lane was arrested for driving while intoxicated at 7 am on July 22nd. Police were called after Mitchell drove his 2008 BMW off Meadow Road and struck a tree on the front lawn of 32 Meadow Road. He failed sobriety tests and said he did not remember what had happened. He was processed and given a court date of 7/27.

Michael Savage, age 25 of Dalewood Drive Hartsdale was stopped by police when he was driving 65 mph on the White Plains Post Road at 4:10 am on July 23rd. Police found that Savage appeared to be drunk and he admitted to drinking “at least two Blue Moon beers.” He failed sobriety tests, was arrested and found to have a BAC of .21.

Burglar: A Lyons Road woman returned home on the afternoon of July 22 and discovered that someone had broken into her house. A window on the back of the house had been pried open and her purse and some jewelry were missing. A contractor working in the area had seen a man outside the house earlier in the day and he provided a description of the suspect.

Theft: An employee of Courage B on Spencer Place in Scarsdale complained that her blackberry was stolen from the counter of the store while she was at work on July 18th.

A car belonging to a Lebanon Road man was entered when it was parked in the Christie Place Garage on July 19th. Missing were a cell phone and two power cords.

Fraud: On July 22, a Morris Lane woman reported that her housekeeper had taken three blank checks and deposited them at Bank of America and Chase Bank from 5/19 to 6/22. The woman was alerted to the fraud by Bank of America when the signatures on the stolen checks did not match her own. The three checks were filled out in the amounts of $1,200, $6,000 and $5,000 and the housekeeper admits to taking the checks. The housekeeper was terminated.

On July 19, a Heathcote Road man reported that someone had opened a fraudulent T-Mobile account using his 88 year-old mother’s name, address, date of birth and social security number. The account now has an outstanding balance of $2,039.78 and is delinquent.

Harassed: On 7/18 a Tompkins Road woman filed a complaint of harassment against a Barry Road man who has made phone calls and sent emails stating that the woman’s husband lost hundreds of thousands of dollars of the Barry Road man’s money. The emails were sent to the staff of the center where the woman works. The couple hired a lawyer who asked the man to cease communication but he sent more emails even after he received the lawyer’s letter. All evidence was vouchered and saved by the police.

On July 24th a Brewster Road woman complained of harassment by her housekeeper’s boyfriend via phone and email. The boyfriend contends that the housekeeper is deceptive and “not a good fit.” The complainant’s husband called the man to ask him to stop phoning, but he continued to do so. The boyfriend may also be driving by the house so the residents asked police to keep a watch on their home.

Found: Four bottle of Smirnoff malt liquor and a half full bottle of Hennessey were found in a cooler belonging to carnival employees from Magical Enterprises at Scarsdale High School on July 19th. The cooler was supposed to hold Gatorade for the Recreation Camp employees. On the morning of July 20th, a Magical Enterprises company truck was leaking fuel into the high school parking lot. The truck had to be towed to White Plains.

A Normandy Lane man called police at 8:30 pm on 7/19 when he came home and found kids swimming in his pool. The kids claimed to be friends of the former owners of the house. The man wrote down the names and phone numbers of the swimmers and said he would call their parents.

Spat: Police were called to mediate a dispute between a divorced Madison Road couple on July 20th. The ex-wife feared that her driver’s license would be suspended because her ex-husband was driving an unregistered car that she owned. The car’s registration is suspended and per the divorce agreement the wife was supposed to sign over title to the car but she had not done so. The man verified that he did have insurance on the vehicle, but since it was not registered, police asked the man to drive the car to the gas station and park it. Police impounded the license plates and the man was issued a summons for driving with a suspended registration.

Car Fire: A 2001 Honda owned by a White Plains man burned on Claremont Road on July 20th. The owner of the car said he was driving north on the Bronx River Parkway when the car began to over heat. When he exited at Claremont Road the car caught on fire, starting in the engine and expanding to the inside of the car. The man was able to get out. The fire department extinguished the fire and the car was towed to Roland’s Auto Body in White Plains.

Wrong Way: Michael Damon Ross of Brooklyn was stopped on Boniface Circle in Scarsdale on the afternoon of July 21 when he was driving in the wrong direction. He was also found to have a suspended license and charged with driving in the wrong direction on a one-way street and driving without a license.

Locked Out: An 88 year-old Garden Road woman locked herself out of her house on July 18th. Her neighbor called police to help her get back into her home. A house sitter who was charged with taking care of three dogs at a home on Harvest Drive also locked herself out of the house on July 24th. The fire department was able to get in through a back door.