Thursday, Mar 20th

Parking To Get Even Scarcer in Scarsdale Village

cranebridge2Construction is due to begin on the Bronx River Parkway in Scarsdale on a new bridge at Crane Road to replace the 1924 bridge that is now, according to Westchester County, in “poor condition.” The entire project will take almost three years, (34 months) and will start by on June 1, 2012.

In order to accommodate the construction equipment, Scarsdale granted Westchester County an easement to use approximately 17 parking spaces, or half of the Merchant’s Lot next to the Scarsdale Train Station for the entire length of the project. The County paid the Vilage $267,000 for the use of the space.

Approximately 10 months from now, in March 2013, the north and southbound Crane Road exits from the Bronx River Parkway to Scarsdale Village will close for two years. In order to get to the Village from the Parkway, drivers will need to exit at Harney Road and drive up Scarsdale Avenue.

This means that for the next three years, it will be even more difficult to access Scarsdale Village and park once you get there. Merchants who parked in that lot will need to enter into a lottery for the remaining available spaces. Those who are not given a space there can apply for a spot on Scarsdale Avenue or in the Freightway Garage on the village website.

It is puzzling why the Village would allow the County to take over half of one of the much-needed parking lots in the Village at a time when the bridge work will make it difficult to get to the Village. Though the Village needed the funds they were paid for the easement, the benefit does not go directly to the retailers who will bear the brunt of the inconvenience. Shoppers and merchants, who are already suffering from the lengthy construction project on the Popham Road Bridge, will now have to withstand three more years of disruption.