Thursday, Mar 20th

Senator Schumer Visits Scarsdale to Support Amy Paulin

paulinengelFriends of Assemblywoman Amy Paulin gathered at the home of Philip and Cheryl Milstein on Sunday October 20 to support Paulin who is now running unopposed for her sixth term in the NYS Assembly. On hand for the elegant event were three generations of the Milsteins as well as many luminaries of the Democratic party. Senator Chuck Schumer and his wife Iris made an appearance and Schumer offered some thoughts on the upcoming presidential election and the national scene. During his amusing address to the intimate group his cell phone rang and it was none other than Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid – but he had to wait for Schumer until the Senator finished

Schumer addresses the group - photo Sarah Schuman
lauding Paulin who he called “smart, idealistic and practical.” Discussing the economy, Schumer said, “How do you combine the American dream with growing deficits?” According to Schumer the answer lies in a balanced approach, the closing of tax loopholes and investments in education, transportation, broadband and scientific research.

Congressman Eliot Engel was also on hand. Through redistricting Scarsdale has now been added to his district. When he learned of the decision, Engel said, "he died and went to heaven."

Chuck and Iris Schumer with three generations of the Milstein Family - photo J. Wallenstein
If Engel wins in November he will replace Nita Lowey as the Congressman for almost all of Scarsdale. Assembly candidate David Buchwald and Assemblyman Tom Abinati were also on hand.

(Pictured at top: Congressman Eliiot Engel with Assemblywoman Paulin - photo Sarah Schuman)

The Senator chats with Toby, Josh and Larry Milstein photo J.Wallenstein
Schumer with wife Iris -photo by Sarah Schuman
Paulin addresses the group - Photo by Sarah Schuman