Storm Notes - Gas Shortage, Early Decision and Photos
- Thursday, 01 November 2012 22:53
- Last Updated: Monday, 12 November 2012 13:11
- Published: Thursday, 01 November 2012 22:53
- Hits: 4629
Is a gas crisis looming? Today many local stations ran out of gas and the line to buy gas at the Mobil station in Hartsdale extended all the way to Central Avenue! And this is at one of the highest priced stations around. In addition to fueling up the car, people are using gasoline to power home generators. Take a look at this photo of people filling up extra gas cans at the station to tide them over in case of rationing or to feed their generators. Scary times! (photo by Diana Glantz)
For high school seniors, Hurricane Sandy coincided with the due date for early decision college applications. And since many were without power, how could they complete their applications online? Here is a note about that issue from local college advisors, Collegistics:
College applications due November 1? No Internet?
How will the power outage affect early application deadlines to college? Many schools have offered extensions due to the effects of Hurricane Sandy. For an up-to-date listing of revised deadlines and other application-related information visit [email protected] or follow us on Twitter: @collegistics. If an extended deadline date is not specified, be sure to notify the school of your individual storm-related circumstances.
SAT Tests: The SAT will not be administered at Scarsdale High School this Saturday, November 3 due to ongoing power outages. The College Board has indicated that information regarding make-up dates will be emailed to students registered for the November 3 exam. Students who have a Waitlist Ticket for Saturday's test must re-register for a waitlist spot prior to the next test date, a Waitlist Ticket for the November 3 exam will not be honored. Please click here for further information.
Live Video: Tree falls on carThe Scarsdale Police department shared a frightening video of a tree falling on a car on the Post Road during the storm on October 29: - watch it here :
Storm Photos: Last, so many of you shared stunning photos of the aftermath of the Hurricane. Check out the photo gallery here:
Photos by Elisabeth Brew, Charlotte Carr, Michael Chayes and Sunny Feinstein