Thursday, Mar 06th

Scarsdale Students See Legislators in Action in Albany

insidealbanyFrom April 17 to April 21, three Scarsdale High School students joined their peers in Albany to participate in Students Inside Albany ("SIA"), the League of Women Voters of New York State's ("LWVNYS") primary training program for students. Juniors Veronica Dickson and Jake Schechner and senior Harris Gurny were selected by the League of Women Voters of Scarsdale ("LWVS") to represent their chapter. Students interested in attending were asked to fill out an application explaining why they were interested in attending the program and what they thought they would bring to the table, as well as providing a teacher recommendation. Applications were then submitted anonymously to an impartial judge, who selected Dickson, Gurny, and Schechner to attend.

The students were able to observe the Assembly and Senate in session, as well as to shadow their local representatives and meet with lobbyists and media representatives. According to LWVNYS, the program is intended to immerse students in the process by which public policy is proposed, enacted and changed in New York State, as well as to educate them as to how they can influence and affect the process.

The students were unanimous in their enthusiasm for the program. "SIA allowed me to learn about my candidates, thus humanizing them and making them real-life representatives rather than just names on a ballot," said Gurny. He continued, "One integral part of government I wasn't previously aware of is the role of lobbyists. Both my legislators met with lobbyists while I shadowed them, and it was interesting to see how they interacted with one another."

Schechner especially enjoyed the time spent with State Senator William Larkin. Said Schechner, "We sat in on a meeting with the Donate Life organization and the Senator. This was one of the greatest parts of the trip, because the meeting consisted of several people who were alive because of an organ donor, telling their stories." He also appreciated accompanying the Senator to the Senate floor to see the Senate in session.

Dickson also mentioned time spent with the representatives as being a highlight of the trip, and said the program was "fascinating and so varied...Truly, this is a wonderful trip and I would recommend it to future applicants without a doubt."

Laura Ladd Bierman, Executive Director of LWVNYS, described some of the activities in which the students partook. "On (the first day), the students had a tour of the state Capitol and heard about whose faces are on those engraved stones and the secret of the fireplaces in the Senate Chambers. League Legislative Director, Barbara Bartoletti, then provided them with the do's and don'ts of lobbying the legislators – how to approach them, make your arguments and be persuasive. Assemblymembers Pat Fahy and James Tedisco then joined the group to allow all students to roleplay. Students were able to approach the legislators and lobby them on an issue of the student's choice. The legislators were wonderful to engage with the students in this activity," said Bierman. Other activities included a short mock session in the Assembly Chambers; a talk with students by Robyn Ringler, Capital District Leader of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, about the role of an individual in making change happen; a tour of the Chambers of the Court of Appeals along with a lesson on the different levels of the judiciary in New York State; and a discussion about the process of running for office, led by Assemblymember Tony Jordan.
Including the 3 representatives of LWVS, 55 students, ranging from sophomores to seniors, from 37 local leagues attended Students Inside Albany. The LWVNYS believes that educating and empowering the youth of our country is vital to maintaining a strong democracy. Through the League's Education Foundation, the State League and many local leagues, including the Scarsdale chapter, operate programs that provide students with the information, motivation and skills to become informed voters and engaged citizens.

At the behest of state league representatives, the Scarsdale students introduced the other SIA students to the LWVS youth program Presidential Pursuit. Presidential Pursuit is a fast paced, fun, and educational game designed to impart civic knowledge to middle school-aged children. In October 2012, LWVS volunteers brought the game into in all seventh grade Social Studies classes in Scarsdale Middle School.

The LWVS Education Foundation provided most of the funding necessary to send the three students to SIA, with costs covered by the LWVNYS Education Foundation as well. For those interested in attending SIA next year, or for more information on LWVS, including youth programs and the Education Foundation, go to the newly revamped LWVS website at, or contact Susie Rush at [email protected].