High School Students Vow to Change
- Wednesday, 22 January 2014 14:57
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 22 January 2014 15:07
- Published: Wednesday, 22 January 2014 14:57
- Ali Farfel
- Hits: 3449
Each year people make resolutions to do better or be better in some way. We hear about what politicians will try to improve, and we hear about what adults care to change, but rarely do we hear from the students. Students are creative and fun, and are tougher on themselves than most adults are. Therefore, it's important that students take part in the resolution ritual, and that everyone hear about them and help fulfill them.
Sam Kaplan, a senior at Scarsdale High School has one of the classic resolutions, to try new things and step out of his comfort zone. This specific resolution has been said over and over throughout the years, but it is one of the toughest to achieve. Juniors Sara Calderon and Kristina Camaj want to attempt to care less about what people think of them. "I want to focus more on myself," Kristina said. Amanda Shuster resolves to work harder this year (as the new president of the school we're sure she will!), and Allison Shein plans to try going to bed at a reasonable time on school days. Both Amanda and Allison are working through a tough junior year, so hopefully they can succeed in their goals. As his senior year is nearly half way over, senior Evan Dweck's resolution is, "to not senior slump that much." Very respectable. Finally, senior Krysna wants to be more organized with school work and life in general. She also had an interesting prediction for the new year. "I predict that the winter olympics is going to be terrible but the world cup is going to be amazing."
On that high note, good luck to everyone out there with a resolution to fulfill.