Christmas Tree Lighting
- Saturday, 05 December 2009 18:13
- Last Updated: Saturday, 05 December 2009 18:19
- Published: Saturday, 05 December 2009 18:13
- Hits: 5877
Though snow and slush caused the cancellation of the official tree-lighting festivites in Scarsdale Village on Saturday evening December 5th, trustees, a representative from the Scarsdale Volunteer Firemen and Mayor Carolyn Stevens and her family were on hand to celebrate. The tree at Boniface Circle was lit and officially opens the holiday shopping season in downtown Scarsdale.
Mayor Stevens shared her remarks with Scarsdale10583 and here they are for you!
Mayor Carolyn Stevens:
I want to thank the Chamber of Commerce for sponsoring this tree lighting and their hard work in organizing it. I also want to thank Lange’s for supplying the hot chocolate and refreshments.
When I was asked by the Chamber President if I would light the tree, I told him that I would be thrilled to do it. Having grown up in New York City I loved the Rockefeller Christmas Tree - and as a kid wished I could be the one to the light that tree--- well this isn’t Rockefeller Center; it is better - for it is the tree for the Village that I call home and I am honored to be here.
But being asked to perform this task made me stop to think --- what is it about the lit tree that is so special. It is what the tree has come to symbolize that truly warms our hearts. While the story of Christmas is a Christian one - its lesson is universal. It is the story of the birth of a baby who would grow up to spread the message of hope and generosity and love for one’s fellow man. It is that message that we celebrate, one that transcends one holiday or religion.
In that spirit - and-because even though it’s easy to focus on receiving at this time of year, it’s often in the simple act of giving that we find the greatest happiness; I ask each of you to think about what you can give this year ----and please keep in mind that some of our local charities that need your help. On behalf of the Village Board and Village Staff, I want to wish you a season of joy, peace and love