Thursday, Mar 20th

A Celebration of Multi-Culturism

fm3The international flavor of Scarsdale was celebrated at the Fox Meadow Multi-Cultural Breakfast on Friday October 3rd. This year's breakfast, hosted by Claudine Gecel and Stephen Sabba, was very well attended - and I was lucky enough to snag an invitation.

Roughly fifty people turned out including Principal, Duncan Wilson, Teacher In Charge Colleen Mangan, Spanish Language Teacher, Shaun Johnson, ESL Teacher, Jennifer Adler, PTA President, Margot Milberg, and Scarsdale's BOE President, Mary Beth Gose. Everyone enjoyed fabulous homemade food from all over the world, and no one left the premises contemplating lunch. The excellent food was complimented by lively conversation from natives of the North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

Principal Duncan Wilson captured everyone's attention when he shared a poignant story about Fox Meadow School's celebrated the Sochi Olympics: During an assembly, Mr. Wilson asked everyone who moved to Scarsdale from another city or state to stand up. Then he asked everyone who moved from another country to stand up. Next, he asked everyone who had a parent from another country to stand up. After that, he asked everyone who had a grandparent from another country to stand up. By that time, almost every single child in the entire school's auditorium was standing tall. Mr. Wilson pointed out that he felt the community is doing a great job teaching children about their multi-cultural heritage - and should continue with their positive efforts.

Credit is due to Fox Meadow's Multi-Cultural Co-Chairs Ryoko Fujii, Juhana (Chelsea) Jiang, Nosipho Kweta, Hongtal (Jennifer) Liu, Sonia Maronilla, and Wuhong (Emily) Zhang. Some folks were able to snap a few pictures, and they are posted below.

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