Thursday, Oct 17th

Village to Test LED Street Lights

LEDStreetLightThis letter was sent to Scarsdale10583 by Vic Goldberg, Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on LED Streetlights: On April 28, 2015, the Board of Trustees established an Ad Hoc Committee to research Light Emitting Diode (LED) street lights in order to improve lighting, reduce Village costs for electricity and maintenance, and conserve energy. To that end, the Committee was asked to develop a pilot program and make a recommendation on how best to move forward. As chair of the Committee, I am providing this update on the project, and request your assistance in obtaining community feedback as the Pilot Programs proceed.

Since April, our Committee has conducted extensive research on LED street lighting, met with vendors, and examined LED streetlights installed in neighboring communities. Based on the above and given Scarsdale's largely residential setting, we believe it is important to test a variety of lights including some with warmer, less bright colors than have been installed elsewhere. We plan to launch a two-stage pilot program on select Scarsdale streets.

Stage One Mini-Pilot - Planned for September-October, 2015 Twenty five LED streetlights of varying light colors and brightness will be installed on sections of Heathcote Road, Fox Meadow Road and Madison Road. Signage will be affixed to each of the LED poles identifying the pole number and a website for residents to provide feedback and/or ask questions. Residents will also have a more extensive opportunity to provide feedback during the Full Pilot period.

Stage Two Full Pilot - Planned to begin late November or early December Based on what we learn from the Mini-Pilot, the Full Pilot of 100 plus LED streetlights will run for about three months. Although there will not be a Full Pilot LED pole location in every neighborhood association area, locations will be dispersed throughout the Village and will represent the full array of types of streets. Again, signage will be affixed to each of the 100 plus LED streetlight poles, identifying pole number and website address for feedback or questions. A map of all locations will also be available for those who want to drive around and view them.

When specific LED streetlight pole locations are designated for the Full Pilot, we will update you. This same information will also be communicated to the public via the Scarsdale Inquirer and, and will be posted on the electronic boards in the Scarsdale Library and Village Hall. Community feedback will be an integral part of our initial recommendation to the Village Board planned for January or February 2016.

Many thanks for your cooperation. Please don't hesitate to contact me and the Committee at if you have any questions or concerns.

Vic Goldberg, Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on LED Streetlights