Thursday, Mar 20th

Village Announcements: Freightway Committee Formed, Leaf Blowers Banned, and More

freighwayThe Village of Scarsdale is conducting a visioning study to guide potential redevelopment of the Freightway Site, an underutilized area adjacent to the Scarsdale Metro North Railroad Station.

The first Freightway Redevelopment Study public workshop will be held on Monday, June 12th, from 7-9 PM in Rutherford Hall at Village Hall, 1001 Post Road. The Freightway Steering Committee welcomes all interested residents, property owners, merchants and other stakeholders to attend and share their thoughts on the vision, goals and objectives for the site. Two additional workshops will be held in the fall to continue the conversation and provide opportunities for feedback on the vision. An online survey will also be launched over the summer.

The purpose of the study is to provide a community-based vision to ensure future redevelopment enhances the Village Center and meets local needs. As such, the study will incorporate a broad and meaningful public engagement process. More specifically, there will be numerous opportunities for public input including, three public workshops, an online survey, stakeholder interviews and focus groups.

The process will be guided by the Freightway Steering Committee and supported by technical planning and market professionals, who will help to define a set of realistic and publicly supported development goals and objectives. This will ensure that development alternatives adequately consider potential impacts and/or 
constraints, such as revenue generation, parking, traffic, infrastructure, school enrollment, other potential impacts on community facilities and services, and
potential demographic changes.

The site is a 2.38 acre Village owned property currently used for commuter and merchant parking with approximately 700 spaces in an aging five-story parking garage and two surface parking lots. For the past 30 years, numerous studies have focused on the site, due to its key location in the Village Center. The Village is renewing its planning efforts, given the current condition of the Freightway Garage and the anticipated need for repairs and improvements.

Toward that end, the Village Board has appointed the Freightway Steering Committee to create goals and objectives for the future development of an attractive, economically viable project on the site.

For more information, meeting notices and updates, visit this page. Comments can be sent to [email protected].

Leaf Blowers Banned:

Scarsdale Village is reminding residents that the use of leaf blowers is banned between June 1st and Sept. 30th. In addition, residents should trim their greenery located near roads. Here is what the Village has released:

Property owners are reminded of Village Code Chapter 205 restricting the use of gasoline powered leaf blowers from June 1 through September 30. Please refrain from using the blowers during this period and remind your gardeners as well.

Prune Your Trees:

The Village Engineering Department reminds property owners to prune trees, bushes and plantings located at or near any street curve, corner or intersection in accordance with Village Code Chapter 294. These plantings can result in traffic safety conditions by obstructing the view of motorists and pedestrians. Village Code Enforcement personnel will be inspecting streets in the Village for these hazards so please keep your plantings trimmed.