Village LED Streetlight Pilot Program Continues
- Tuesday, 25 July 2017 13:29
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 25 July 2017 13:40
- Published: Tuesday, 25 July 2017 13:29
- Hits: 4100
The Village LED Streetlight Pilot Program is continuing after an extension of time to allow for a new fixture to be included. This new fixture was released by one of the Pilot fixture manufacturers and included material improvements to the previous fixture being piloted. LED pilot streetlights are installed in a number of locations throughout the Village. Pilot lights are installed on three sections of White Plains (Post) Road, two sections of Mamaroneck Road, Heathcote Road, Tisdale Road and Springdale Road. A map of each Pilot location is attached.
We want to hear what residents think about the lights! This phase of the Pilot will continue for the next three months to mid-October. Resident feedback is important in helping the committee determine which fixtures to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees. Please send any comments or questions to [email protected] or drop off comments at Village Hall at the LED comment box located on the first floor counter. Subject to the results of this phase of the Pilot, the following streets are being considered for an upgrade to LED streetlights: White Plains (Post) Road, Heathcote Road (Post Road to Five Corners), Mamaroneck Road and Weaver Street (note: some lights on Weaver Street have already been converted to LEDs by the City of New Rochelle). In addition to these streets, locations with Town & Country Style post- top fixtures (see attached picture) are also being considered for an LED upgrade. These locations include parts of the Crane Berkeley and Secor Farms neighborhoods as well as a few other Village streets.
Background of the LED Committee and work completed to date: On April 28, 2015, the Board of Trustees established an Ad Hoc Committee to research Light Emitting Diode (LED) street lights in order to improve lighting, reduce Village costs for electricity and maintenance, and conserve energy. To that end, the Committee was asked to develop a pilot program and make a recommendation on how best to move forward. The Committee conducted extensive research on LED street lighting, met with vendors, examined LED streetlights installed in neighboring communities and tested various fixtures to determine the proper lights and locations to pilot in Scarsdale.
Based on the Committee's research and Scarsdale's predominant residential setting, we believed it important to test a variety of lights including some with warmer, less bright colors than have been installed elsewhere. In the fall of 2015 the Committee installed lights of varying color and brightness on three streets in Scarsdale: Fox Meadow Road, Madison Road and Heathcote Road. Based on the results of this sample and resident feedback, the Committee's proposal was to focus on two types of lights in Scarsdale as a first phase: lights on higher traffic streets and locations with Town & Country style post-top fixtures.
In July 2016 a Pilot was launched with fixtures installed on sections of White Plains (Post) Road, Mamaroneck Road, Heathcote Road, Tisdale Road and Springdale Road. During the Pilot one of the manufacturers of the Pilot LED Streetlights informed the Committee that an updated version of their fixture would be released in early 2017 with material improvements to the lighting. As previously noted, the Pilot was extended to allow for these updated fixtures and is now being continued.
Copies of the Committee's reports to the Board can be found at