Thursday, Mar 20th

Scarsdale Democrats Hold Summer Fundraiser

DemsEngelAndrea Stewart-Cousins, Ben Boykin, Amy Paulin and Eliot EngelThe Scarsdale Democratic Town Committee held their summer fundraiser at the home of Amy Paulin and Ira Schulman. It was a particularly high-spirited event in part because of how successful both State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin and State Senator Andrea Stewart Cousins have been in Albany since January. This year 33 bills sponsored by Paulin passed both houses and Cousins reported that a total of 900 bills were passed. George Latimer spoke eloquently about democracy.

The Democratic Town Committee is galvanized to work for continued results in the upcoming election cycle.

In attendance were Amy Paulin, Andrea Stewart Cousins, Ben Boykin,George Latimer, Elliot Engel, and several judges. Local officials included Scarsdale Mayor Marc Samwick, School Board member Ron Schulhof, past mayors Jon Mark, Bob Steves, and Carolyn Stevens. Democratic Committee Chair Mark Lewis presided.

Andrea Stewart Cousins spoke how she appreciates representing Scarsdale because:
1) The smooth transitions from one Village administration to the next.
2) She doesn’t have to worry about what we are thinking because we tell. (That was a laugh line). Dems1Michelle Lichtenberg and Andrea Stewart-Cousins
3) She appreciates the Village’s support over the years.