Thursday, Mar 20th

How to Turn Last Night’s Dinner Into A New Meal

quinoaPhoto Credit: peasandcrayons.comI’m guessing at this point, no matter how much you like to cook, you are probably tired of cooking. Batch cooking, or cooking more than one meal’s worth of food, is a great way to cut down on your time cooking (and washing dishes). The only issue is for people who don’t like leftovers, especially kids, who often aren’t into the idea of leftovers day after day. One of my favorite time saving strategies, now more than ever, is to reinvent your leftovers. With these meals you make enough food for two meals at once, but you actually serve it in 2 different ways.

Below are some ways to reinvent your leftovers.

food chart

Have other foods you are trying to make into a new meal? Send me a message on Instagram. Or, have other ideas that work for your family? Would love to hear how you reinvent your leftovers!

Jodi Greebel, MS, RDN is a Pediatric Registered Dietitian and the founder of Citrition ( Jodi consults with children as well as for schools and camps. Follow her on instagram @greengrownmeals for healthy meal ideas, cooking tips and more on how to feed your family.