Thursday, Mar 20th

Police and Fire Departments Commemorate September 11

ceremonyflagsThough almost every other event is being cancelled or held virtually, the Scarsdale Fire Department did not permit the pandemic from interrupting their annual September 11 Memorial Service, held this past Friday.

The ceremony began with the posting of colors by Honor Guard Unit of the Scarsdale Fire and Police Departments. Following a moment of silence, the Fire Department Bell was tolled 5-5-5-5 which signifies death in the line of duty.

Reverand Kelly Rogers from Scarsdale Congregational Church gave the invocation and Scarsdale Fire Chief Jim Seymour and Police Chief Andy Matturro lowered the flag to half staff accompanied by the national anthem, sung by SHS Senior Emily Hansen.

RogersReverand Kelly Rogers from Scarsdale Congregational church

Mayor Marc Sanwick and Police Commissioner and Trustee Justin Arest spoke and wreaths were placed at the base of the American flag and the Police and Fire memorial stones.

hansenChief Matturro, Emily Hansen and Chief Seymour

The ceremony concluded with Amazing Grace, sung by Emily Hansen and a benediction from Reverend Rogers. The Honor Guard Unit retired the colors shortly after 9:00. The ceremony was coordinated by Fire Captain Christopher Mytych and about 50 people attended the service, all wearing masks.

samwickMayor Marc Samwick

Photos by Jonathan Thaler. See more here: