Consultants to Develop Three Scenarios for the Future of the Scarsdale Pool
- Tuesday, 16 August 2022 15:32
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 16 August 2022 20:51
- Published: Tuesday, 16 August 2022 15:32
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 1835
The Scarsdale Village Board approved agreements with Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Services, okayed a subdivision fee for a lot to be divided at 40 Mamaroneck Road, hired a Personnel Administrator and heard comments about plans for the pool renovation at their August 9, 2022 meeting.
Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Service
The Village Board voted unanimously to approve funding for the Aging in Place program and for the Youth Services Project.
The Aging in Place program allows many Scarsdale seniors to receive support to remain in their homes, by providing counseling, in home assessments, referrals, education, intergenerational programming and more for residents 65 years and older. The board approved $56,995 to fund the initiative.
The Youth Services Project is funded jointly by the Scarsdale School District and the Village for a total cost of $556,500, or $278,250 to come from the Village Budget. The funding goes toward youth outreach workers for middle school and high school students, parent support groups, the Scarsdale Drug and Alcohol Task Force and more.
Commenting on the program, Randall Whitestone who serves as the liaison to SFCS from the Village Board said, “At no other time has that support been more necessary… They take “a holistic approach across a spectrum of community needs” and are “dynamic and adaptable.”
“These have been trying times and I am grateful for the work Jay (Genova) and his staff is doing.”
New Personnel Administrator
The Village announced that Robyn Nowlin has been hired to be the Personnel Administrator for the Village of Scarsdale at an annual salary of $135,000. The resolution says she is a “human resources generalist with nearly 25 years of experience in labor relations, human capital development and regulatory compliance.”
Subdivision Fee
Trustees approved a subdivision fee for a two-lot subdivision at a 2.9 acre site at 40 Mamaronenck Road where developer Shlomo Freidfertig has plans to build a new house while retaining a historic house behind it. The fee is $125,000 which is 5% of the value of the lot as outlined in the 2018 Subdivision Recreation Fee Schedule.
Sale of Mack Truck
Trustees approved a resolution to sell a 2008 Mack garbage truck to the highest bidder in an online auction.
Public Comments
During public comments, Anne Hintermeister asked to see the results of the pool survey, requesting the survey data or the report created for the staff and Village Board.
Mayor Jane Veron responded and said that yes, the Board had originally planned to hold a public meeting to review the data but instead asked the consultants to use their time to develop concepts and costs for the three options favored in the survey. Since one of these options include an indoor pool, the Mayor and Village Manager said that plans and costs would be developed for three scenarios:
-An indoor or combination indoor/outdoor facility
-A renovated, updated outdoor facility
-An outdoor facility with significant enhancements.
Hintermeister persisted on her request to review the survey data, and Village Manager Rob Cole asked her to contact him after the meeting.
Robert Berg was enthusiastic about the prospect of an indoor pool and said, “It’s great news that 50% support an indoor pool especially since the survey did not address that. It will fill a hole and provide a needed amenity. I would suggest the consultants look at a few options for the indoor pool so that we don’t have a prohibitive cost. It would be a tremendous asset for the community and it could be subsidized by all taxpayers.”
Bob Harrison called in to give a report on the Scarsdale Youth Summer Tennis League. He reported that Caroline Moser – 8 years old won the girls tournament and Charles Grandifield, age 11, won the boys tournament. He added, “We served 64 pieces of pizza the night of the tournament.” About the pool he said, “How much will the pool renovations cost? We have been there this summer and it is operating beautifully. It is a gem of a pool. I think a lot of the elected officials do not belong to the pool. The only way you can know how it is operating is to be there.”
Former part-time librarian Robin Stettnisch continued her campaign to be rehired at the Scarsdale Public Library. She said, “Why I am out there is this affects my family – my three sons are going to college. This will affect them for the rest of their lives. I want the Scarsdale residents to know that I will continue to fight for my own children.” Referring to the Village Board July 9 meeting she said, “The Mayor read a statement about me that was untrue. She said the Village plays no role in hiring or terminating library employees.” Stettnisch handed out copies of her Scarsdale pay stub that says Village of Scarsdale and shows the Village seal and a copy of the employment agreement between the Village of Scarsdale and library employees.
She continued, “How can you say that I was never employed by the Village in any capacity? … The Village was involved in funding that $21.7 mm expansion. Who thought of funding the expansion on the employees backs? She concluded, “Shame on the Mayor and shame on the Board for repeatedly misleading the residents of Scarsdale.”