Trustees to Move Forward with Outdoor Options for Pool Complex
- Thursday, 08 December 2022 12:27
- Last Updated: Thursday, 08 December 2022 12:33
- Published: Thursday, 08 December 2022 12:27
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 2033
Options for pool enhancements were presented in a resident survey.Scarsdale Village Trustees have announced their plans for the renovation of the Scarsdale Pool Complex. After examining the costs and logistics of adding an indoor pool to the complex, they have decided that the cost to build it could put the Village's finances at risk and the operarting costs would be "prohibitive."
See below for a press release on the decision:
The Village Board held a work session on Tuesday, December 6, which included an update from the Pool Complex Special Assignment Committee, followed by discussion of next steps for the continuing Pool Complex Study. The video of that meeting is available online (see Item 2 video).
The Pool Complex Special Assignment Committee, comprised of Mayor Jane Veron, Trustee Sameer Ahuja, Trustee Karen Brew, and Village Manager Robert Cole, worked with the consultant team and conducted independent research over the past several months gathering information to determine whether a year-round pool facility was viable for Scarsdale. The Committee recognizes the need to save our treasured asset, while achieving a standard of design and construction capable of meeting Scarsdale’s needs for another five decades. Based on discussions with our consultants as well as operators of other year-round pool complexes, on Tuesday night the committee members informed the Village Board of their belief that the construction and operating cost for a year-round facility would impose too high of a financial burden on Scarsdale residents. The complexities associated with building a year-round facility were likely to bring additional uncertainty to both the construction timeline and ultimate cost of such a facility. Additionally, the operational difficulties shared by year-round pool operators made committee members question the long-term viability of such a facility in Scarsdale.
The full Board agreed with the Committee’s findings and directed Village staff to proceed with the design of an updated seasonal pool complex to replace the existing facility. The Board noted the importance of accelerating the planning process in order to reduce the risks presented by a volatile financial environment. The pressing needs of a pool complex that is past the end of its expected useful life and is no longer operating reliably also figured prominently in the Board’s thinking.
While a substantial portion of survey respondents expressed a preference for a year-round facility, the Board came to a consensus that the construction and operating costs would be prohibitive, and that the financial commitment necessary to build and operate a year-round facility could limit the Village’s funding flexibility and capacity for other critical infrastructure and budgetary needs. Simply put, the financial risk exceeds the threshold that our Trustees, as responsible stewards of public funds, are able to accept.
Scarsdale will now move forward with our consultants, Lothrup Associates LLP, to develop schematic design for a renovated seasonal pool complex. The Board looks forward to working with community groups and Scarsdale residents to shape and refine an appealing pool complex that best serves all members of our community, while preserving and honoring the essence of the pool experience, with its distinctive natural setting and easygoing, welcoming feel.
The Village Board’s Pool Complex Special Assignment Committee will now turn to reviewing and authorizing a contract for design development, including a public touchstone prior to contract execution, and then expediting the design process, keeping the public informed and engaged each step of the way.
To learn more about the Pool Complex Study, please review the study reports and other related material online.