Developer Applies to Subdivide Property on Lincoln Road and Tear Down 57 Trees
- Monday, 27 November 2023 17:01
- Last Updated: Thursday, 04 July 2024 10:11
- Published: Monday, 27 November 2023 17:01
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 3157
An application has been filed to subdivide this property and divert a watercourse to permit the contstruction of three houses where there now are two.The owner of an iconic mid-century modern home at 46 Lincoln Road is now making a second attempt to develop the property.
Last month, Dr. Raj Krishnan applied to the Committee for Historic Preservation to take down the home to permit the construction of a new home in its place. He argued that the current home did not meet the criteria for preservation and was in bad shape due to water damage and neglect.
However a few of the committee members had questions about the homes provenance and architectural merit and Board Chairman Adam Lindenbaum adjourned the application to allow the committee to get an opinion from architectural historian Andrew Dolkart, who acts as the Village’s expert.
In the interim, Krishnan has now filed an additional application with the Planning Board to subdivide the property at 46 Lincoln and neighboring home at 101 Carthage and turn two lots into three.
In order to facilitate the subdivision and construction of two new houses, Krishnan has applied to divert a watercourse that runs through the property and to draw new property lines.
The site plan shows that in order to build the two new houses 57 trees would be taken down in an area that is already wet and flood prone.
On Wednesday night November 29, the Planning Board will consider the application. Below find the plan to remove the trees (marked in X) and subdivide the property.
Neighbors Sanae and David Tenembaum of 52 Lincoln Road sent an email to the PLanning Board objecting to the plan. They say, “We are concerned about how this three-lot subdivision will further alter the feel and character of our community block. As it stands now, 46 Lincoln Road (.96 acres) is one of only a handful of properties in our immediate vicinity with close to 1 acres of land, which has become harder and harder to come by.”
“The nearby two-lot subdivision at Carthage and Fayette Roads has resulted in a massive house being built on a relatively small piece of property, which has completely altered the feel of the road. The proportions of the house currently under construction do not match that of the surrounding homes – and frankly, it looks out of place.”
The subdivision plan: X's indicate trees that would be taken down.
We understand the same builder of the homes on Carthage (Raj Krishnan) is now proposing the three-lot subdivision essentially across the street, impacting 46 Lincoln Road and 101 Carthage Road, and we fear the same ill-proportioned dynamics between home size and lot size, with a general sense of crowding becoming more of the norm. Not to mention you’d be removing the opportunity for a buyer to own a home on ¾ or more acres of land akin to other nearby properties.”Neighbors say, "The nearby two-lot subdivision at Carthage and Fayette Roads has resulted in a massive house being built on a relatively small piece of property, which has completely altered the feel of the road.
“With this in mind, we urge the Board to carefully consider the long-term effects of this sub-division to our community – and sincerely hope we can leave the current lot lines as they are – with two (tasteful, well-proportioned) homes instead of three. At the bare minimum we ask that the sub-division be contingent on an assessment of the home specs and plans that are in mind for those lots.”
The timing of this application occurs as the Village Board of Trustees is considering a six-month moratorium on subdivisions, demolitions and construction to allow time for a reconsideration of the Village’s building code.
A hearing on the potential moratorium will be held on December, 12, 2023.