Thursday, Mar 06th

FBI Imposters and Wandering Children from the Greenburgh Police

lincolntowncarVisit from the FBI: A Hartsdale woman reported that two men came to her door and repeatedly rang the bell and banged on her back door on the evening of August 7th. The two men claimed to be FBI agents and asked her questions about her husband, saying that they received a complaint that he was a martyr terrorist. When she asked to see their badges only one man showed her his ID card. The card said the man’s last name was Kao, so she called the Manhattan FBI office to inquire. There was no one by that name in their office and the FBI told her to call the police.

Wandering children: On the afternoon of 8/9, two young children wearing pajamas and no shoes were found walking along Sprain Road. A passing motorist picked them up and brought them to Ardsley Police. Greenburgh Police went to the children’s home and found it unlocked, with two large dogs inside. After the dogs were secured, a woman answered the door and said she had taken two Benadryls at 10 am and fallen asleep. The woman identified herself as Tatania Semo, age 26, of N.Y. who works as an adult entertainment dancer at a gentlemen’s club in Queens. She was supposed to be caring for the children. Police contacted the children’s mother as well as Children’s Protective Services.

Drive-in: On Wednesday morning 8/10, 70 year-old Barbara Finegold of Sundale Place, Scarsdale drove her 1989 Lincoln Town car into the Pet Goods store on Central Avenue in Scarsdale. The car hit the front railing and broke the store’s front glass store. An estimated $3,500 in damage was done to the store and the car had to be towed away.

Free wings? Three teens fled the Candlelight Inn without paying for their meal at 11 pm on Monday August 8th. The owner called the police who found two of the youths in the Candlelight parking lot hiding behind a shed and the third in the front parking lot. The owner agreed not to press charges if the teens would pay the $41.75 owed for the meal and they paid up.

Break-ins: A burglar alarm went off at Best Buy at 1:30 am on 8/9. Police found both of the front glass doors to the store broken, and the gate behind the doors open as well. Store personnel determined that several computers and iPads were missing and reported almost $5,000 in total merchandise gone.

A ground floor apartment on Pinewood Road, Hartsdale was broken into between 5 am and 8:30 am on August 13th while a mother and daughter slept inside. Vandals entered through a ground floor window, and stole two purses and car keys off the kitchen table. They used the keys to drive away in a Toyota Scion that belonged to the residents and was parked in front of the apartment.

Police responded to a burglar alarm on Tanglewood Road in Scarsdale at 9 pm on August 13th. They found an open screen door and an open bedroom window. When the homeowner returned she found that some jewelry was taken from the nightstand but nothing else was missing.

On 8/8 the caretaker of a home on Stone Oaks Drive in Hartsdale called police when she noticed that a back window of the home had been smashed. Nothing appeared to be missing and it did not look as if anyone had entered the house.

The window of a 1994 Nissan Altima, parked in the driveway of a Marion Avenue, Hartsdale home was smashed sometime on 8/8.

Retail details: Theresa Fields of Spring Valley was caught stealing an $82 pair of Coach sneakers from Loehmann’s on Tarrytown Road on August 12th. She was handcuffed, taken to Greenburgh Police Headquarters and booked.

Gregory Rogers, a 25 year-old employee of SJ Service Station on Central Avenue was charged with Petit Larceny and Falsifying Business Records. Rogers stole scratch off lottery tickets valued at $900 and altered the records. He was caught stealing the tickets on the surveillance videotape.

Phone rage: The manager of the AT&T store on South Central Avenue called police at 9 am on Saturday morning 8/13 when an angry customer tried to get into the store before it opened at 10 am. The customer banged on the window and screamed, “open the fucking door.” The man needed a new phone and despite the manager’s request to the man to return to the store at 10 am, the customer was irate and uncooperative.

Underage DWI: Police stopped a driver at 1:30 am on 8/12 on Central Avenue for speeding and found that the 17 year-old Yonkers boy was driving without a proper license and was drunk. He was arrested for speeding and DWI and released to his mother.