Friday, Mar 14th

Scarsdale Students Weigh In On Principal Search

Lizzy_RubinThe search is on for a new Principal for Scarsdale High School. This week, Scarsdale10583 intern Caroline Rodman asked her classmates, “What qualities are you looking for in the future principal of our school?”

Lizzy Rubin: “I think the school would benefit from someone who is friendly and relatable. There is nothing more comforting then a principal who is willing to discuss anything and everything with his or her students.”

Rachel Kushnick: “I think the school would benefit the most from someone who has a past experience in high performing high schools and is able to maintain a strong school community."

Rachel Kushnick


Lauren Farfel
Lauren Farfel: “I hope our next principal gets to know the students so that he/she can really understand how to make the school better from the students point of view. I also think it would be great if the principal could maybe let students vote on changes that he/she wants to make.”


Mukund Murari: “I believe that for our school, it would be beneficial to have an open minded principal who would directly make his or her presence known to the students by visiting classes and communicating personally with students. I think this would make it easier for the student body and the faculty to work together to make the high school a better place for everybody.”

Mukund Murari


Peter Simon: “We still haven’t hired a principal?!”

Peter Simon


Danny Goldenberg
: “The next principal of Scarsdale High School should be very involved with the students in the high school. He/she should make daily announcements to the student body about any upcoming events so that the students are aware of the upcoming week. Similarly,

Danny Goldenberg
the principal should be approachable so that any student who is having trouble within or outside of school is able to explain his/her scenarios and receive beneficial advice. Lastly, the principal should be aware about what events are going on within the school so that he/she can bring solutions to any problems that the students are having.”


Nick Meisel: “I really would like a principal who is easily approachable and fun! Someone you could easily have a

Nick Meisel
conversation with.”


Rachel Brief
Rachel Brief: “I’m looking for a principal with loyalty and passion. Scarsdale lacks school spirit and I think it would be amazing to see a principle come in with enthusiasm and energy.”


(Pictured at top: Lizzy Rubin)

Writer/Photographer Caroline Rodman is a junior at the Scarsdale Alternative School. She plays tennis for the Varsity B girls team, serves as treasurer for the Scarsdale High School Charity:water Club, is the head of the prom committee for her graduating class, and is currently a student intern for Scarsdale10583.