Non-Residents Hogging Scarsdale Tennis Courts
- Tuesday, 17 July 2012 12:11
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 17 July 2012 21:52
- Published: Tuesday, 17 July 2012 12:11
- Hits: 4293
Tennis players who use the Brite Avenue tennis courts were surprised to find that the Village was enforcing the rules last weekend. The courts are usually jammed from eight am to noon on Saturday and Sunday mornings -– and players often tie up the courts on the previous Thursday morning when they can call the attendant to reserve weekend courts. Some of the groups would reserve the same court for consecutive hours, claiming a court for two hours during peak times.
However, this past weekend the courts were strangely empty. One group was playing on Court 1 and noticed that others were being turned away. Why?
It turns out that many of the players who had previously occupied the courts were not Scarsdale residents. They were on the courts as non-resident guests or without a permit altogether.
In response to complaints from Scarsdale taxpayers the Recreation Department asked the attendant to enforce the rules which bar non-residents from playing on the courts before noon on weekends
As a result, at 10 am on Saturday, three of the four courts were empty – signaling to some that the courts at Brite Avenue were primarily used by those who don’t live in town.