Friday, Mar 14th

Planning Board Meets Tonight to Discuss Zoning Code and DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems)

nextg2Concerned about the installation of DAS antennas on telephone poles near your house? Tonight (2-11) at 8 pm, the Planning Board of the Village of Scarsdale will hold a work session in the third floor meeting room of Village Hall to discuss the referral from the Village Board of a potential amendment to the zoning ordinance relative to the installation of Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) technology in the public right of way.  The Planning Board previously requested an engineering report from Columbia Telecommunications Corp to examine whether or not existing facilities could accomodate the needs of the wireless carrier as opposed to a DAS installation.  By law, if the Board finds that there is not a "significant gap" in service, the Village would not be required to amend the code to permit the carrier to install additional equipment.

Telecommunications company NextG has applied to put up 15 antennas in Scarsdale – which they can then rent out to up to three cell-phone companies in order to improve their service in this area. In order for these to be installed, Scarsdale would need to amend its current zoning code that mandates that a cell phone antenna cannot be within 350 feet of a residential structure. Since Next G considers itself a utility, they argue that they should have the right to place their equipment in the Village right of way, similar to Con Edison, Verizon or Optimum. If the Village refuses to change the zoning code to accommodate Next G they could face legal challenges for blocking telecommunications expansion on a discriminatory basis.

Read more about this issue here and attend the meeting at Village Hall tonight to see where the Planning Board stands on modifications to the zoning code.