Friday, Mar 14th

An Intergenerational Yom Kippur at Shaarei Tikvah

shofar photoOne final long shofar blast, a tekiah gedola, is sounded at the conclusion of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. At Shaarei Tikvah, the Scarsdale Conservative Congregation, the tekiah gedola is sounded not by one but by several shofar blowers standing around the perimeter of the sanctuary. With the lights dimmed, each blower then sounds his or her shofar, one at a time, one after the other, with overlapping tones creating one single long sound to end the holiday.

The participants span several many generations. Jack Polak, age 100, who for many years was the main blower at our services, remains an inspiration to all of us, reciting the blessings before the shofar blowing. Our youngest blower was Alexandra Schweber, age 5.

Seated (left to right): Alexandra Schweber, Jack Polak, Ina Polak
Standing (left to right): Rabbi Dan Schweber, Daniel Lampert, Ian Silberzweig, Cantor Gerald Cohen, Caroline Stern Cohen, Naomi Seulowitz, Jeff Elliott, Josh Fields, David Sneider (not pictured: Ron Reckseit)

Photo taken: September 14, 2013 by Arthur Glauberman