Friday, Mar 14th

Pepper Spray Greets Partygoers at NYC Club on New Year's Eve

LQNew Year's Eve celebrants who bought $110 tickets to attend the LQ party at the Radisson Hotel on 48th Street were severely disappointed when they were gassed rather that greeted at the entrance to the club on the night of 12/31. A throng of ticketholders, including several groups from Scarsdale, stood outside in frigid temperatures vying to be admitted to the club at around 10 pm on New Year's Eve. Apparently the event was oversold, and in an effort to control or disperse the crowd, bouncers or police sprayed pepper spray at the young adults, causing runny eyes and choking.

According to witnesses, hundreds of ticketholders were turned away and ended up with nowhere to go, despite the fact that they had purchased entry to the event. The few that got in found that the club could have accommodated far more celebrants if the bouncers had given them access. Choking and blinded by the spray, those who got in attempted to mediate the effects of the spray by drinking lots of water and moving away from the fumes at the entry.

Ads for the event promised a 15,000 square foot dance floor, video screens and unlimited drinks of premium liquors and champagne served at two large bars. But many never got to enjoy the fun and retreated to other clubs around the city. So far, no compensation has been provided to those who purchased the pricey tickets on the website Crave and could not get into the party.

One angry partier said, "It was a mob scene and a scam. I want my money back." Another was offering to organize a campaign on Facebook to get refunds. She said, "Anyone injured in last night's pepper spraying outside LQ nightclub, please contact me. We need to form together to seek restitution. Please spread the word."