Predictions for the New Year
- Tuesday, 07 January 2014 15:23
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 08 January 2014 12:04
- Published: Tuesday, 07 January 2014 15:23
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 3826
What does the future hold for Scarsdale in 2014? We asked a few of our more outspoken readers to look into their crystal balls and tell us what they see for the coming year (other than frigid temperatures!) Here are their prophecies for 2014. Read these and then share your own in the comments section below:
Civic Citizen David Brodsky
-In the spirit of volunteerism that has always animated the Village of Scarsdale, both the School Board Nominating Committee and the Citizens Nominating Committee will receive scores of applications from interested citizens to run for positions on each nominating committee, as well as for the School Board and for Village Trustee;
-In the spirit of doing what is best for the community's future, both the Village Board and the School Board will consider and adopt budgets without regard to the State-imposed so-called 2% tax cap.
-Recognizing the inadequacy of the so-called tax cap as a method of dealing with rising property taxes, the State Legislature and the Governor will repeal the 2011 so-called tax cap, and replace it with, among other things, a comprehensive tax reform package that will take the burden of rising pension costs off the municipalities and put it where it belongs -- on the State.
-And if this is not enough wishful thinking, Congressional leaders and the President will retreat to Camp David for one week of forced togetherness, during which they will jointly agree on (a) comprehensive tax, budget and entitlements reform; (b) immigration reform; and (c) a 10-year economic stimulus program of national infrastructure repairs and improvements; and that such legislation will then pass both Houses and be signed into law on July 4, 2014.
Involved Resident Doug Ulene
To commemorate the 25th anniversary of Chapter 179 of the Village Code, the Mayor and Trustees will go door-to-door, sifting through residents’ detritus in order to confirm compliance with the statute [Chapter 179 of the Village Code is captioned "Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse." The statute governs sorting and collection of recyclable materials and garbage in the Village.]
Frustrated Consumer
Cellphone users will reap the benefits of competition with lower plan rates and thrifty month-to-month contracts.
Advocate Robert Berg
My bold prediction for 2014 is that the BOE will adopt a budget that comes in well below the tax cap yet preserves staffing, programming and class size. Such a budget will command overwhelming public support.
Former School Board Member Jeff Blatt:
A few citizens' whining will result in a degraded educational experience for our kids while saving the average taxpayer less than the cost of one dinner out for a family of four at Chat.
Site Founder Joanne Wallenstein
-The identity of the donor(s) of $1 million to the Scarsdale Schools Foundation will be revealed as will the name of the new Superintendent of Scarsdale Schools.
-Animals will continue to challenge residents for open space. Geese will swim in the Scarsdale Pool and sunbathe in the newly landscaped George Field Park, with occasional visits from disoriented deer, confused coyotes, forlorn fox, wandering wild turkeys, rowdy raccoons, bold bobcats and out-to-lunch owls.
Friend of the Scarsdale Parks Lena Crandall
More residents will get on the "mulching-in-place" bandwagon to naturally fertilize their lawns and save taxpayer money.
Humorist Deborah Skolnik:
Unable to secure a viable retail tenant, the eyesore building in front of Balducci's will be offered up as low-income Westchester housing to appease the HUD Gods. Protests will ensue, but will fortunately be short-lived, once the needy see the building and refuse to live there.
Eventually Chuck E. Cheese will make an offer on the lease, prompting further protests. These too will be mercifully short-lived, once certain gentrificational tweaks are agreed upon. For generations hereafter, our young will enjoy their frequent sojourns to the local amusement hub known as 'Charles de Fromage.’
Send us your predictions for Scarsdale in 2014 in the comments section below: