Hit Parade: The Top Stories of 2014
- Monday, 29 December 2014 22:53
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 31 December 2014 09:08
- Published: Monday, 29 December 2014 22:53
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 4352
I am often asked about the top stories on Scarsdale10583. Readers want to know what content gets the highest number of hits and resonates most with readers. Now that we've come to the end of 2014 I thought I would share the greatest hits of 2014 with you as measured by our site analytics.
Some will seem quite obvious – but others are more curious:
1) Tax Revaluation
The coverage of the tax revaluation was a big hit on Scarsdale10583. Real estate tax appraisals are top-of-mind for Scarsdale homeowners and many were eager to know how their home was appraised, what their new tax rate would be --- and most important, how their tax bills compare with that of their neighbors. The first Village-wide revaluation in 49 years caused much discussion and debate, sometimes escalating to heated shouting matches. Especially popular was an eloquent complaint from notable Scarsdale residents Seymour and Audrey Topping about the injustice of raising the tax bill for their home on 2 acres in the Heathcote Association. They currently pay $45,000 per year, but with their new assessment of $4+ million, they stand to see an increase in their tax bill. They are not alone in their discontent and hundreds of appeals are now before a judicial administrator so there will be more coverage to come.
2) Vaping
What exactly is vaping and why should you care? Vaping or smoking hookah pens is a new trend among teens. These slick, flavorful e-cigarettes are nicotine-free and tar-free and marketed as safe cigarettes. But are they safe? Read what the controversy is all about.
3) Massa Closes
Massa will go down in history as the last restaurant to occupy the former site of the historic Heathcote Tavern. Ever since Scarsdale lost the tavern, the fate of the building has been in question. Bistro Citron made a go of it for a few years, and when they closed their doors Massa filled the void. Popular for a time, it also lost its way while the owners of the building were engaged in the lengthy process of getting permission to convert the site to initially 11 and now 14 residential units. Though the façade of the tavern will be preserved, that's about all that will remain of this iconic building.
4) Earl Graves Home Goes Down
When Earl Graves agreed to sell his brick mansion at 8 Heathcote Road, the new owners asked for permission to raze it. They claimed that the house was a warren of small rooms, poorly constructed and difficult to renovate. However, the application to tear down the house put the Village's Historic Preservation laws to the test. After all, the preservation laws instructed the Committee on Historic Preservation to determine if the "building is related to an historically important individual." Clearly Graves, the founder of Black Enterprise Magazine, was important so the CHP denied the demolition request. The buyers appealed that decision to the BAR who turned them down initially but ultimately voted to permit them to tear everything down but the brick façade of the central portion of the house. That is all you will see today if you drive down Heathcote Road. A single wall of bricks. Check it out.
5) More Closings
In February of 2014, the popular Golden Horseshoe restaurant Katzenberg's disappeared overnight. Management didn't even mention their plans to their employees who showed up for work the following morning only to find the doors locked. This is the second time that Katzenbergs has opened and closed in the same shopping center. Puzzling indeed.
Also popular with readers was the more recent news that both Taiim Middle Eastern Wine Cellar and toy store Scarsdale Children's Play were closing.
As much as readers wanted to know what closed, they were also interested in what was opening. Two new restaurants appeared on the local scene and were enthusiastically greeted by Scarsdale10583 readers. The Spadaro family who made their name in New Rochelle, has now opened an italian eatery on Central Avenue and enthusiasts of Greek food will be pleased to find Petra, a new Greek restaurant on Garth Road.
6) Prom Photos
Always popular with readers are the photo galleries from the pre-prom red carpet events preceding the Scarsdale Prom. The parade of seniors all decked out for the prom rivaled Hollywood celebrities at the Emmy's. Check out this year's stars of the senior class.
7) Don't Ask Don't Tell
Questions Not to Ask or Answer in Scarsdale got lots of attention on the site. Most of the questions involve the kids – from tots, to teens to grads. Read this so that you don't insert foot in mouth.
8) Hora Time
Bar and Bat Mitzvahs Scarsdale Style: These life cycle events are a focal point of a Scarsdale childhood. So many variables, so many decisions, so much money! This article reviewed it all. Where to have it, who to hire, how to entertain your guests and imbue the day with meaning as well.
9) Police Report and 10) Real Estate
We can't complete this article without mentioning the Police Blotter and the weekly Real Estate column... perennial favorites on Scarsdale10583. Petty crimes, family disagreements, mishaps and stunts provide great fodder for comment. House sales and stories and the constantly shifting real estate market all make for lively reading too.
Thanks to all of you for sharing your Scarsdale experiences with us on your community website, Scarsdale10583.com. Continue to send your stories to [email protected] and together we'll make 2015 another great year in the 'dale.