Friday, Mar 14th

Keep Spanish Instruction in First Grade

speakspanishHere is a letter to the editor from Scarsdale resident Michael Blumstein: My own children are long past elementary school, but I still feel compelled to articulate my deep disappointment (even embarrassment) that Scarsdale is proposing to reduce the Spanish program, moving its start to second grade from first grade. Many of us fought for years to get this program started, and the need for language skills continues only to increase in our globalizing world. I understand that several elementary school principals have requested this change, citing time constraints. We need the leadership of our school system -- charged with seeing the big picture and taking unpopular stands, when warranted -- to push back and proudly maintain this important and differentiating program. Indeed, many would argue that it should start earlier, not later, if we really want to serve the next generation responsibly and thoughtfully.

Michael Blumstein
11 Wheelock Road