Have You Overpaid Your Taxes?
- Thursday, 17 December 2009 08:09
- Last Updated: Thursday, 17 December 2009 10:15
- Published: Thursday, 17 December 2009 08:09
- Hits: 4002
According to the Edgemont Community Council, the Town of Greenburgh has almost $2.8 million in excess taxes collected since 1996, in their unclaimed fund account. Rather than refund it, they planned to use $836,000 of it to close their budget gap in 2010. Monies in this fund derive from banks paying taxes on the wrong property, duplicate payments from homeowners or banks and erroneous account numbers. Though the town claims that they sent letters advising homeowners of funds due to them, many claim that they never received them.
The total in unclaimed funds collected since 1996 was $9.9 million. In 2008 alone, there was $1.4 million in overpayments, of which $848,000 was returned. And the amount of these overpayments on an individual basis can be high. One Edgemont resident was owed $11,000 in over-collected funds.
Find out if you’re among the hundreds of people due a refund by going to the Edgemont Community Council website and scanning the list of overpayments. If so, see their instructions on applying for a refund.