Friday, Mar 14th

25 Ways That You Know You Live In Quaker Ridge

quakerirdgeCloser to the town of Mamaroneck than to Scarsdale Village, Quaker Ridge is betwixt and between. Until 1966 it had its own school district, and though now Quaker Ridge kids attend Scarsdale schools, some have a Mamaroneck zip code, get takeout on Mamaroneck Avenue and their parents commute from the Mamaroneck Train Station. Below, SHS student (and Quaker Ridge resident) Zoe Frishberg notes 25 ways you know you're part of this unique identity crisis:

1. You'd rather go to Sammy's Bagels than Lange's for your morning bagel and coffee
2. You spend Halloween at the extravagant haunted houses on Bradford Road

3. In your book, Cherry Tree froyo beats Peachwave froyo
4. No one ever wants to drive to your side of town
5. You have a tab open at Cherry Lawn and the employees know you by name
6. You thought all the elementary schools served hot lunch.
7. When your parents say "the parkway," they mean the Hutch, not the Bronx River
8. It takes 30 minutes to do a pick up at the Scarsdale Train Station
9. You're always the last one in the carpool
10. You know the teacher who cut off students' erasers
11. You buy your Halloween pumpkins at Cherry Lawn or Balduccis
12. You know every shortcut there is to get to "your side of town."
13. You can walk to the Scarsdale Pool – who needs a private pool?
14. A Metro Deli salad can last you an entire week
15. When Cherry Lawn stopped serving froyo your weekend routine changed forever
16. Your elementary school graduation is comparable to a sauna.
17. You get manicures in Mamaroneck, rather than Scarsdale Village
18. There's a drawer full of Mamaroneck Avenue takeout menus in your kitchen
19. Sal's salad pizza is one of the best things you've ever eaten
20. It's quicker to walk to your destination than wait for a Scarsdale Taxi to arrive at your house
21. You still say "Last Licks" when referring to "All Good Things"
22. You remember when Toyo was the only good Japanese restaurant on Mamaroneck Ave
23. You run to Big Top Toys for last minute school supplies
24. PM Pediatrics has saved you an immeasurable amount of time and hassle
25. Exit 22 isn't just an exit... It's a lifestyle