Friday, Mar 14th

Election Results for Scarsdale and the County

electionresultsThough there were no big races in Westchester to bring people to the polls on Tuesday November 3, some did vote, and the results in Scarsdale mirrored the results county-wide.

In Westchester, Gretchen Walsh, running for Supreme Court Justice received 60% of the vote, and in Scarsdale she won with 705 votes to Montgomery Delaney's 355 votes.

Susan Cacace won her bid for County Court Justice with 58% of the votes in Westchester. In Scarsdale she received 1092 votes to 722 for Helen M. Blackwood.

For Surrogates Court, Brandon R. Sall won 90% of the votes in the county and in Scarsdale he received 771 votes to 129 for Frank Streng.

District 5 Legislator Benjamin Boykin ran unopposed and received 870 votes in Scarsdale and 4,348 in District 5.

The only race specific to Scarsdale was the election of Jeffrey Levin for Town Justice. He ran unopposed and received 827 votes.

A referendum to give the Board of Legislators (BOL) and the public more time to review the County budgets before they are voted on passed with 82% of the vote. The referendum will change the date that the County Executive is required to submit the Capital Budget to the BOL from November 15th to October 15th each year. The deadline to submit the annual Operating Budget will be moved up from November 15th to November 10th. County Legislator Ben Boykin supported the referendum.

Food for Thought

In honor of Veteran's Day on Wednesday November 11, the Scarsdale Republican Town Committee submitted the following for publication:

"History does not long entrust the case of freedom to the weak or the timid." --Dwight David Eisenhower. 

The Scarsdale Republican Town Committee thanks all Veterans for their valor and devotion to duty in service to our country.