Friday, Mar 14th

Burglar Enters Occupied Kensington Road Home on Halloween Night

6KensingtonRoad(Updated November 2) Scarsdale Police report that a brazen burglar wearing a ski mask forced his way into a home at 6 Kensington Road through the back door around midnight on Halloween and went into the homeowner's bedroom where he was asleep.

There were a total of five people in the house at the time but they didn't realize that the man was inside until the homeowner woke up and the burglar fled.

The homeowners called police at 12:08 am on November 1 and officers were on the scene quickly. The suspect took a few items, but dropped them on the way out of the house. Detectives will send the dropped items to the Westchester County Crim Lab for DNA analysis and they are also reviewing security footage skimaskfrom videos of the home and the neighborhood.

No one was injured and police report that there has not been a burglary in Scarsdale since August 24th.

This special report is brought to you by Scarsdale Security who can protect your home and family with the latest security technology. Call them at (914) 722-2200.