Friday, Mar 14th

Local Leaders Respond to Violence In Charlottesville

KlanIt's difficult to believe that white supremacists, neo-Nazis and members of the Ku Klux Klan would stage a violent protest in an enlightened college town and that the U.S. President would fail to condemn them. But that's exactly what happened this week in Charlottesville, VA, and many I spoke to in Scarsdale are shocked, offended and even more worried about the fate of our nation than they have been in previous weeks.

Here are comments from local leaders:

Representative Eliot Engel: "The white supremacists and eliotengelnationalists who lined the streets of Charlottesville inciting violence the past few days are domestic terrorists. Calling them anything other than that is not just an affront to our values; it's dangerous. These men and women are filled with hate and have displayed a willingness to use violence as a means to push their racist, anti-Semitic beliefs. They represent the very worst of our country and every good citizen should stand against them in this critical moment.

"Today, I mourn the loss of life in this despicable display and pray no more innocent people are harmed or worse. The President condemned the violence 'on all sides' of this conflict, but there is only one side that deserves his condemnation. There is only one side spreading hatred and that side, the side of David Duke and the white supremacists, must be denounced in the strongest possible terms. The President should have done that yesterday in his remarks. He did not."

jeffreybrownRabbi Jeffrey Brown from Scarsdale Synagogue: "Like you, I am still reeling from the news of this past weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia. The senseless death of Heather Heyer, who was present to protest the "Unite the Right" rally and its message of white supremacy, is only our most recent reminder that our society continues to suffer from racism and anti-Semitism (to name just two symptoms of the disease).

Tweets from Senator Chuck Schumer

"By saying he is not taking sides, Donald Trump clearly is. When David Duke and white supremacists cheer, you're doing it very, very wrong."

"Great and good American presidents seek to unite not divide. Donald Trump's remarks clearly show he is not one of them."

Tweets from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand:

"Wow, what a disgrace. There is only one side. No one, especially not the leader of the free world, should ever tolerate violent racists."

Gillibrand"We must not remain silent or accept the hate and bigotry brought to Charlottesville, VA—or anywhere in this country."

"The images out of Charlottesville are some of the worst I've seen in America in my adult life. White supremacy and neo-Nazism have no place in America. Domestic terrorism like this cannot be tolerated."

"I know we are better than this, but we must all speak out against this hate. Silence is not an option."

What do you think? Share your views in the comments section below.