Friday, Mar 14th

One Expensive Storm

Now that the trees have been cleared, wires put back into place and we’re all taking our electricity for granted, make a guess… how much do you think Scarsdale Village spent to clean up the storm? $50,000? $500,000? In fact, according to Village Manager Al Gatta, the answer lies somewhere in between. And in a year when village finances are severely strained and there is already an estimated shortfall in revenues of $90,000, where will this money come from?

At the March 23rd meeting of the Scarsdale Board of Trustees, Mayor Carolyn Stevens asked Gatta to give an accounting of the cost for the extra work done by fire, police, public works and parks personnel. The Village incurred costs for overtime, vehicles, supplies, and equipment for emergency services, property damage repairs, and tree and debris removal. In total, the Village answered 7,200 calls from Village residents in need of assistance. Gatta estimates that the total cost of the storm to Scarsdale was $358,000. If a state of emergency is declared for the area, Scarsdale will apply for federal aid to close the gap.

In other news from the Village Board of Trustees, Board members and the community said their goodbyes to Trustees Sharon Lindsay and Dan Hochvert, both who have completed four years as Village Trustee. Kind words were exchanged by all about the enormous contributions both have made to the Board and to the Village. They will clearly be missed. Speaking for the Scarsdale Forum, V.P. Bruce Wells expressed his thanks for their dedication to Scarsdale and Jane Veron thanked both on behalf of the League of Women Voters. Kay Eisenman and Jonathan Mark have been elected to serve in their place and will begin at the first scheduled meeting in April.