Thanksgiving Spelling Bee
- Tuesday, 26 November 2019 08:26
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 26 November 2019 09:23
- Published: Tuesday, 26 November 2019 08:26
- Midori Im
- Hits: 3606
Take a break from cooking ... or eating ... and test your spelling acumen with the spelling bee below.
How many common words of 5 or more letters can you spell using the letters in the hive? Every answer must use the center letter at least once. Letters may be reused in a word. At least one word will use all 7 letters.
Proper names and hyphenated words are not allowed.
Score 1 point for each answer, and 3 points for each word that contains all 7 letters.
17 = Good
21 = Excellent
24 = Genius
Answer key below: Don't peek before you try it!
decline, declined, denude, denuded, dined, dunce, ended, incline, inclined, include (3 points), included (3 points), indeed, induce, induced, lined, needed, needle, needled, niece, uncle, undue, un-lined.
If you found other legitimate dictionary words in the beehive, feel free to include them in your score.